Friday, July 27, 2007

ABC holiday

Dear Reader...
Due to ABC holiday- Agnieszka & Bozena Cebulskie on the seaside:] I will not post here until 06.08.
During that time u can read all the old posts u didnt read before, post some comments or just go and live your life, spending some time with real people not ur beloved pc:P!
I bet ur life is much more interesting that mine:]
I would also like to wish happy birthday to all ppl having birthday during my holiday:
Klimeczek super tak:-)
Majkuss Mozer
Private greetings can be expected later on on priv;-)
love love etc


Still don't have one mark from one exam, this situation is stressful for me:/
What if I looked at the results and made mistake...?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Am I borring?

Some time ago one of the most features of leader for me was charisma.
Then life was life eh;-) and I didn't pay so much attention to it, but together with my freaked ideas about the future I thought ok what if I'm MCP and guys will ask me for roll call and what- big suchar. I do not have any charisma according to my self assessment:]
But follow up was the question what charisma means and whether depending on the situation, aim of leader etc it can be checked in the different way.
Still if I were to make a roll call alone what would I do? Definitelly no idea, but probably fool of myself:]

coming back to the topic of future

agin test:
You should have traveled the world. You're outgoing and you like to try new things. You'd do great in a college environment, but you won't be able to focus on school until you fulfill your inner desires to get out and see the world.
this is my answer - so true...:]


Results on the right part of my blog some online tests, some results not available cause were just not true;-)
ratata one cay say:D

balanced life

Nobody is checking about my promises...
With language not so well actually due to evening meetings- hm AIESEC freak yeap, in the morning still not exercising regularily and only for about 30 min.
Cause i also decided to wake up without alarm clock and at least this thing is working quiet ok, think soon will be able to exercise for one hour in the morning:-)

Roommate for a while

so the good day with party finished with me and Milenski not going to the club, but taking care of puppy.
After SFEM I was not able to accept another puppies left in the carton box, especially that one was already run over by car:/
so we took hero home, It ate our sausage left some pee around my place and then next morning after breakfast we left it outside- you cannot share room with dog, still hopefuly it was not so shocked anymore and is able to survive on its own!


Sometimes Im really angry with myself that I'm so lost in my ideas regarding the future, what to do what to achieve, as for the person setting goals, self reflectioning and discovering outcmes are hm, not as stable as I expected but maybe this is the biggesyt added value not to agree on sth that doesnt bring u full satisfaction, constant search in order to fulfill you potential, feel satisfied not just ok?

my neighbour

hehe yeah this is a post about Milen Aleksiev known as Milenski.
So even out of this u can be sure he is not an ordinary name- nicknames are usually shorter than name not longer yes?:-)
Although he claims he is ordinary i do not believe in that;-)
So we share the desk and live next door - intense relation man can say, so the preparation living with LCP Ola was good way for that, maybe I will even get ready to live in pink house;-) or sth like that after being only and independet for the whole life.
So with Milenski we share the fridge- it is in his room so every morning and most of the evenings Im spoiling his time by knocking on the door, taking something from the fridge and leaving:-). On the other hand I'm the one having cooking tools as hot plate- thank u Geri, pot and pan:-). Its really ispiring to spen so much time and be somehow dependat on the person which has totally different attitude to balance than u:-) I could stay in front of my laptop whole day and still probably spend one month only on AIESEC, thx to Milenski I'm understanding its not the way. We both do not drink coffee but i do not mind buying ff products- yeap really the chepaest made for markets maybe im just used, but for Milen its unbelievable and I always feel guilty buiyng them when being together:-)
He is also a nice guy! This is make me think about impact of AIESEC on me and wondering whether this is for sure always positive one?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

great yesterday

yeap, it was really ql day!
1) I got my gfts from Poland I already shared my happiness;-) and today in the morning we ate together with Milenski scrumbled eggs.
2) By accident we met some Polish ppl and went for small party, it was not sky rocking but still evening getting out, drinking some beer, talking in English and Polish, nice time :D

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

super mum!

I got package from my mum- saving me aroung half of monthly salary and making my life much easier!
I got kettle,
some home made food- my beloved raspberryf juices,
multivitamines, really needed during such weather!
some cosmetics!
and eh!
it's so amazingly when I feel their support!
My family that would like to see me finishing my studies, working for some presigous company, or having positive impact on the society by going to Africa with charity organization is supporting my year here in Bulgaria...
Thank You!

amount of thoughts

It's sometimes killing me! My time for myself and my amont of thoughts and emotions.
Let's take SFEM just seeing in my commission myself from one year ago, or on some team meetings doing that what makes u crazy on commission meetings. My way from previous term, my current way where is it leading?
My current focuses:
Men- oh im not searching for any:P but Im realizing that 3 out of my closest which altogether i can count 5 now are totally the same type!
But moreover im also like that now...
Like that meaning missing another person from time to time but no too often cause it can lead to being limitted- sth we are really scared of:]
And two else are totally opposite, desperatelly searching for love, ok not searching but feeling they need the person aside. Question are they so emotional or just at the stage of being desperate and after 4 months will join us showing that sth is wrong with us? or our emotions or?
2) development and aiesec, my place in organization, changes in me my current state, my future plans. I would like to get feedback from some people but its so hard:/

bus accident

Hm so it happened...
Some time ago there was also flight accident.
Where is balance?
Do we need national mourning?
And do we need big discussion whose fault was it?
We need actions people- why this road is not blocked better, why when they educate you on driving the car they hardly teach u practical skills and because its easier more people take it and pass in summer so they are not able to drive in winter?
Where is our solution and result orientation!
I'm sad of course, my stupid emotional intelligende doesnt allow me to read article about so many dead people and not feel tears in my eyes, but it's not helping anybody, but condition o Polish roads and European thinking can help!
Looking back over and over I really feel that people in Europe are not able to cooperate!
So f*** miserable...


TM s : Rado, Annie, Tony, Nadya, Veli, National: Ico, me, Iva

Monday, July 23, 2007


Of course we all know that perception of us is so diversified. From friend to enemy, from child to parent!
And how about nicknames?
I was cebula since I remember,at the beginning didnt like the nickname so much, but around highschool was just obvious so I entered AIESEC as Cebula.
Dunno whether name influences our personality or somehow personality determines name but for sure when u introduce urself as cebula or sibula its different from being aga, agus or agnieszka yes?
So in Bulgaria I'm not Cebula I'm always Aga. I feel this influences me somehow,still its hard for me to explain how, but you probalby also realize that u treat different person who is Cebula- crazy, extroverted not veru serious most probably and Aga just person called by name...

Friday, July 20, 2007


session on the fresh air, not too hot, wireless, didnt expect such conditions :-)
Still conference is exhausting:/


funny country quiz, results- my country Brazil, I will stick to that:P


I wonder whether there is any more cruel animal than human beings?
On the way to venue... by the way why all conferences in BG have to be in venue to which u need to climb for around 20 minutes:P?
We found7 puppies in the carton box--> probably sb left them just like that, close to the street, during such weather, wow he didn kill them and he left them,
It was really hard to move further for me:/
and then we found a bird:]


I came across this blog by accident- saw a comment of that person at our common freind blog and decided to check how is she doing.
We got to know each other at CEEMOS 2006 first impression was who is that person??? God...
Then we didnt build any relation but reading blog yesterday was just amazing. Instead of preparing myself for SFEM, relaxing I stuck to the blog not able to stop reading it. It was like reading myself, expressing my feelings, thoughts and way of behaving I was amazed. Is this AIESEC eXPerience? CEE cultures, or...? Amazing how you can feel connected to somebody even first impression was terrible, even if u hardly know the person!


Thursday, July 19, 2007


For sure, but since time goes quick, yeap I'm repeating myself I want to use this time in the best way!
In my madness I work out daily and weekly schedule:]
Posting it here should make me stick to it I hope!
Know I shouldnt put in time the starting time but since we go on SFEM I'm going to start from this Monday!
Monday: weak up 7:30, 1 hour exercising, shopping, shower breakfast, aiesecing, till 20 eating, later on forbidden:P till 21 exercising till 22 English, till 23 chill out:-)
Tuesday: weak up 7:30, 1 hour exercising, shopping, shower breakfast, aiesecing, till 20 eating, later on forbidden:P till 21 exercising till 22 German, till 23 chill out:-)
Wednesday: weak up 7:30, 1 hour exercising, shopping, shower breakfast, aiesecing, till 20 eating, later on forbidden:P till 21 exercising till 22 Spanish, till 23 chill out:-)
Thursday: weak up 7:30, 1 hour exercising, shopping, shower breakfast, aiesecing, till 20 eating, later on forbidden:P till 21 exercising till 22 Bulgarian, till 23 chill out:-)
Friday: weak up 7:30, 1 hour exercising, shopping, shower breakfast, aiesecing, till 20 eating, later on forbidden:P time to go out;-):P of the same as previous days --> language german
Weekend- sightseeing, exercising, cooking reading books, studying German, Spanish and Bulgarian:-)
hmmmm let's see the results:D


I managed to subscribe to library:D
so I have now Kafka America, Wolf Mrs Dalloway and Helen Fielding Power of fame, sorry no book about leadership:P ar management or even HRs just reading something with plot:-)
to have also other activites for my brain;-)

first meeting with BG company

Took place today:-)
It was AIMS Human Capital, we went together with Steli
check maybe u should also start cooperation with them:]!
Outcome- possible partner of recruitment- support in preparing tools and education during recruitment meeting, engagement in ACT around active learner and some more ER iniciatives as well as...
engagement in X!!! Yeap advertising to clients and cooperation on new activity:-)
Ql isnt it? and the environment was really friendly, professional, fluent English really efficient!
To continue with a nice day I spent some money on personal pleasures
cup of raspberries and kilogram of strawberried- expensive one (3EUR) but just to remind myself of polish tastes;-) so for dessert;-) bunch of radishes the only missing element- cottage:]
now moving to final preparation of SFEM, subscribing for library and one more time GCM and change agent- go to global people development general discussion to share ur ideas:-)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


if times goes so fast it means soon:
my mum come in Bulgaria for one week holiday, one week on the seaside!
Important week!
cause I don't remind myself of having holiday for a long time!
Cause im going to leave my laptop and the office and not using it neither going to internet caffee for 8 days in a row!
Cause I will be swimming, sunbathing and doing things I like, but in these way Ihavent spent holiday since 1992 I believe:]
Cause I will spend time with my mum which is always...
kicking off eXPerience!
I bet there will be one huge argument per each day
I bet there will be one big głupawka- getting crazy without any reason per each day
I bet there will be lots of serious talks and decisions
I bet there will be lot of exploring Bulgaria- tasting food, visiting interesting places, and trying things we haven't tried before!!!
Before that I will have received parcel from Poland:-)Some friends going through bringing me stuff needed at home that its not so cheaper here- frying pan, linners and some home made cake maybe]?
and soon after that there will be IC, opportunity to meet some of you friends!!!
And then recruitment my biggest test here! start of success and grow and deadspot on the roadmap...!
All days between previous and valuable!
Do you see the value of each day?
Of each minute!
Are you proud and happy of them?

worse day?

Im not sure, still some things bothered me for a while:/
These are:
- people who sit on internal seat in the buses and do not move themselves- too lazy? too impolite to move their asses?
- lack of bath
- lack of cottage!!!
- friends in form of cockroaches
- not understanding what people around me are talking about!
Its no bad, just moving me out of my comfort zone a little bit
huh life:]?

Monday, July 16, 2007

how to avois simplifaction

if u had asked me on EXPRO how to plan recruitment I would have had the ready answer- you have pipelnina management, plan of succession, jds and profiles with competencies.
If you had asked me on planco- situation would have beedn the same!
But know just before SFEM im still working out the best method!
cause in small LC u cannot agree that1,5 is the same as 2 or as 1 cause at the end of the day this missing one person can be the OCP of next year PBoX!
You cannot also agree to have more ppl just in case, cause your capacity is limited and you have to allocate people, cause lack of job can discourage all of them and two ocps will be missing...
so im in the process now...


yeah we have one- me and Milenski together, its in his room.
Because someone already has written the story in amaizng way im just pastying it here!
Thx Ivo: for help and amazing post!

This post is dedicated to my friends from the MC team of AIESEC in Bulgaria - Blago, Milenski and Aga. On Thursday we had a little adventure. It was so hilarious I'm laughing every time I remember it :) So what we did - we moved a fridge. Well it's not as simple as it sounds. Milenski and Aga decided to buy a common fridge and they asked Blago to help them carry it. I happened to be in the MC office this day so I decided to go and help. I had no idea what I was going to be involved in. So we went to have a dinner and after that headed to block 59 in Student's Town where the fridge owner lives. The final destination was block 24. For those who don't know Student's Town - the distance is quite big actually (maybe 1 km or more). But we were crazy enough and sure we can do it. We started the carrying at 10:00 pm - me, Blago and Milenski holding the fridge (equiped with socks for the hands - to make it softer) and Aga looking from aside and supporting us. At 1/3 of the way we were already tired and decided to look for another way to bring the fridge to Milenski's room. Actually Milenski had luck (or had he :P) - a seller from a fruit vendor offered his help - we just had to wait him finish his shift and he would bring the fridge with his car. So we were waiting - half an hour in the freezing night. While waiting some gipsy kids came begging for money and we decided to give them the socks. And the seller came, funally. But it was all in vain - the fridge couldn't fit in the car. We were doomed. The spirit was low - Blago was going to miss the last bus to his home, Aga was freezing, some friends were calling me for a party. So what to do ?! Milenski and Aga went to look for a cart and me and Blago waited with the fridge. We waited, and waited, and waited! Then they came. No, not with a cart, of course, with new socks :D When they couldn't find a cart they went to Milenski's room and took some extra warm clothes and some socks for the hands. So the quest had to continue, the hard way! It was long, it was tough, it was exhausting, it was sooo hilarious :D But we finally made it - the fridge was there - in Milenski's room in block 24. Ufff at last. What was the time - around 1 am. Yes, it took us more than 3 hours! Well, half of the time we spent waiting, but still. Haha we were laughing all the way, making jokes of ourselfs. It was great fun.
So what did I learn from this:

  1. no good deed is left unpunished :)
  2. now I know how to carry a fridge the most convenient way
  3. even the hardest work is fun if you share it with friends :) :) :) :)
So Aga and Milenski - enjoy your new fridge!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

3 weeks

Im here already three weeks- two times on the swimming pool,
1 nst meeting
1 conference coming
1 weekend on the seaside
1 teamdays
still dunno where is cinema in studentsky but know lots of swimming pool, can go around the town, :-)
my holiday on the seaside with my mum and with some polish stuff are coming in two weeks.
Then IC.
Life is rush but...
less and less things are shocking
still need to really learn bulgarian, life will be much easier then!
And reflection, all the time. Its already my fourth year of studies... what then- what kind of work, when to start work, what about work in us, what about AIESEC internships, what about sth more in AIESEC, true leadership--> MCP, or GN position--> sth reall international:-)?


Its not about number of games you win but the final results- the tournament...
So Poland was 4th the worst place ... I know it from my eXPerience. We can think now they could have lost with us and meet russia in semi final... they could. But they didnt they finish like that.
So is life. You cannot decide whether u win or lost until the end, but for sure earlier u can feel wether ur winning or losing.
To win for me is to take out of the single moment, currently I feel Im winning:D

Saturday, July 14, 2007

sport emotions

We lost!
Once again against Brazil, although we are kicking off Bulgaria every time, and BG won over Brazil.
So tomorow we will fight only...:( for third place!
We can think why they decided to play against Brazil- they couls agains Russia...but this is sport...
Bulgaria is fighting for 5th, Poland for third and I will go to the swimming pool:-)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Bulgaria July Newsletter

If you cannot see this e-mail properly click here to read it online.
MC in Bulgaria Newsletter - June / July 2007

.:: This Edition Highlights ::.

Exchange results
  1. Is this is the right way?
Old sea wolves' stories
  1. MCP Corner
  2. LC Development Corner
  3. Talent Management Corner
  4. External Relations Corner
  5. Exchange Management Corner
  1. Team days
Upcoming events
  1. Summer Functional Executive Meeting


Dear members of AIESEC in Bulgaria,

Almost two months passed by. Do you feel the warm breeze in you
back? Yeah, it seems like it is the right time to embark for those who
still haven’t. The weather is sunny. Just the right time to enter the
open sea. You are excited? A little bit scared you say? Don’t worry. I
know the way. Take my hand. Come to SFEM 2007.

Exchange resultsTopEnd

Is this the right way?

know, there are some signals that show us the way. They help us take
the right direction and never get lost. How do you evaluate your
direction? Is it the right one?

LCLC planned resultsLC achieved resultsGAP
Sofia UNWE8303-80
Sofia TU2215-13

Old sea wolves' storiesTopEnd

MCP Corner

Dear Captains,
I have the pleasure to invite you all to:

Presidents’ Club Launch at Summer Functional Executive Meeting 007

If you are ready, that’s good!

If you are not, you still have time - - - > visit Bulgaria Presidents Community and move your cheese!”

LC Development Corner

Development is not an optional strategy or service to provide, it is
certainly a fundamental deliverable of an MC according to its roles and

“LC Development is not a strategy to be run only focused on low performing LCs“

Your proud LC Development Responsible has some really cool things to share:

  • accountability system

    is almost finished. There is draft version ready and it will be
    introduced to the LCP team on Summer Functional Executive Meetings.
    Guys, you will be the first one to try it out there and give your
  • Feasibility study form for opening a new LC is
    established. In the following month there will be survey launched to
    investigate the opportunities for opening a new LC. So, stay tuned for
    more hot news in that area.
  • Three of the LC plans are feedbacked and meeting with LCPs made Varna, Plovdiv, Svishtov). The others : watch out

More info: SFEM

Talent Management Corner

What happened in June

National Level

  • Final feedback of available JDs of people at LR stage, OCPs application and personal plans
  • Development of AIESEC in Bulgaria community and AIESEC in Bulgaria TM community. You could check it out here.
  • Preparation of SFEM agenda
  • Recruitment preparation – profile of the member, recruitment flow
  • Preparation of NST TM planning meeting
  • Minimum Conference Standards task force contribution
  • Conference Cycle finalization

Local Level

  • JDs creation
  • Personal plans creation
  • CEED management
  • OCPs selection
  • Recruitment preparation

What’s next?

National Level

  • 14-15.07.2007 NST TM meeting
  • Further development of Bulgaria and Bulgaria Talent Management community
  • Any suggestions, inputs write to:
  • Recruitment- external cooperation, member profile finalizing
  • National Education Cycle finalization

Please, don't forget to send all the JDs and applications for leadership positions to till 19.07.2007

Local Level

  • 20-22.07.2007 Summer Functional Executive Meeting
Priorities for July:
  • All JDs created- including TR stage
  • Recruitment plan – including number of students to recruit and their profile
  • Working Groups engagement- official launch at Summer Functional Meeting
  • OCPs selection finalized

    External Relations Corner

    ER here we ARE!!!

    What happened in the period 12 June – 11 July?

    • Meeting with Vivatel for re-signing the partnership was held.
    • Partnerships with Eagle’s Flight as an Exclusive Learning Partner and Economedia were re-signed.
    • Company Service Criteria were finalized. You can find output here.
    • LCs should have developed their products/projects

    What is happening in July/ August?

    • MC Product Portfolio will be created
    • Meetings with all the partners from NPG to be held
    • ER Agenda at SFEM is developed

    EBs – you will have the chance to be part of the Sales Academy at SFEM.

    Do no miss this unique opportunity!!!

    ER the best we ARE!!!

    Exchange Management Corner

    Exchange results of AIESEC Bulgaria from the beginning of the term

    Realized XJuneJuly (till 13.07.07)
    MatchedGrand Total
    LC Sofia - TU1

    LC Varna1

    LC Sofia - UNWE


    LC Svishtov

    LC VTU

    LC Plovdiv


    • We have better results than the same period last year, but still we are aiming for more!
    • As a main concern I can underline the fact that we do NOT have enought TNs and EPs on status available in Insight in order to achieve our goals for the term
    • We should focus on matching and raising!!!

    The Q2 DAAL files 2007 - a fresh beginning towards AIESEC 2010 Goals!*

    • Q2 2007 is showing an increase in our exchange performance by 8.85% compared to Q2 2006.
    • We had 19.1% increase in the TN raising for Q2 2007 compared wth Q2 2006
    • We have 9.1% increase in the Exchange Participants raising compared with Q2 2006

    *More information during SFEM

    What's coming...

    • National Exchange Pricing Model will be released on SFEM
    • National Reception Task Force
    • National Matching Mania
    • National Raising Campaign
    • EnterCEE v.2.0
    • Exchange Masters' community will be launched on SFEM


    Team days

    The first team days of the whole new MC team became reality. The event took place in the beautiful town of Sandanski between 25th and 27th

    June where we created the MC plan and took strategic decisions for the
    year. Some of the decision taken there will be announced on SFEM. Are
    you ready?

    Upcoming eventsTopEnd

    Summer Functional Executive Meeting

    20-22.07.2007 Summer Functional Executive Meeting

    You could find the agenda here.

    Come and get to know more about:

    • Accountability system
    • Recruitment campaign 2007 / 2008
    • Conference cycle of AIESEC Bulgaria 2007 / 2008
    • Selling – exclusive learning partner “Eagle’s Flight” seven hours training
    • Exchange and ER – the direction that is going to drive us fast forward to meaningful results
    • Who moved your cheese

    my cup

    what can u do for your health:]?
    1/7 of salary on cup eh
    but at least now when I will be recognized on the streets I can pretend its not me;-)

    yeap ;-)

    this is my Polish place in Bulgaria.
    Dunno whether its good to have such. But Im willing to read and develop myself so for sure books in Polish are welcome in my world!

    questions, questions

    One thing that had changed- last year I think I didnt meet so many questions everyday...
    So questions for today, or probably the whole week;-)
    What is the profile of member to recruit.
    What should be the profile of person leaving AIESEC so we feel, we know we can call this person change agent?
    How can we contribute to the development and each stage and what people we should select, what is there behind the decision:
    - competencies
    - motivation
    - skills
    - passion?
    - believ?
    - vision?
    How much does it take to agree that AIESEC is not for everybody?...
    What should be development cycle we offer to members- yeap development not education- we are innovative, learning organization so ppl why onl trainings, conferences?
    Where is the rest of learning environment?
    What kind of Team Experience do we offer?
    Is being part of functional team the same value as being a part of project OC?
    Can we agree to have projects not including all elements of the way we do it???
    Some of my ideas in the next episode;-)

    Thursday, July 12, 2007

    Reminder of 28.06.2007

    wooow its already 2 weeks???
    Yes, soon I will be in BG for one month:-)
    So as u know;-) 2 weekds ago LC Warszawa SGH got an award for best HR management:-)
    As a person responsible for this area I fully identify with the award;-)
    And now thx to Radoszek I can admire it:-)

    Radoszek with an award:-)
    THX to him I have the picture but for sure he also contributed to the award:D

    my award:-)

    This day is not good, it's wonderful:-)

    How many times does it happen to you that you feel you have positive impact?
    Impact on the world, on the society, on another person life?
    It doesn't happen so often! Does it?
    But it happens to me sometimes. It happened during my EB term and now I still see results:
    Sorry for Polish but this is so tyyyypical of my beloved induction ocp;-)
    emilia: sibula!!!
    kocham cie dalnie!!!
    ja: :]?
    az tak zajebyscie jest?
    emilia: jak super ze mnie wyekspediowalas do indii
    jest super!!

    3 of my favourite quotations:]

    The world is round and the place which may seem like the end, may also be only the beginning.

    You can sit around and wait for the good thinks to happen to you, you can go out and make them happen.

    Impossible is nothing:-)

    We have fridge:-)

    Yeap we have the fridge- one together with my neighbour:-)
    But we have it.
    Thx to Milenski we will have a pplace to keep watermelon or other food.
    Just ned to carry it in Studentsky:-)
    This is a good day;-)

    Wednesday, July 11, 2007

    is it AIESEC so different?

    Employee retention is an essential requirement for the continued sustainability of any organization.

    Paying Competitive Wages

    Raising pay is not an automatic method to avoid employee turnover. Paying too little during low unemployment will contribute to turnover. Paying competitive wages is important but it is not the only method nor is it a guarantee.

    Providing Flexibility

    Increasingly, employees want flexibility in their jobs and will remain with an employer who guarantees it. Schedule changes, fixed shifts, time off for personal matters and other family-friendly initiatives are appreciated.

    Championing Longevity

    Employees appreciate an employer who honors long service. While signing bonuses make sense in tight labor markets, employers also recognize those whose continued service is valued.

    Respecting Employees

    Loyalties, like respect, are values that appear to be reciprocal. Individualized work sites, relationship with peers and superiors and providing training are some of the techniques employers can use to reinforce their respect for employees.

    Increasing and Improving Communications

    Tell employees periodically about the advantages of employment. Benchmark competitors and communicate advantages. Explore various communication methods, such as focus groups, on-line data bases and hotlines and attitude surveys. Demand that good communications be a priority for all managers and measure progress.

    Paying Retention Bonuses

    During difficult times -- mergers, acquisitions, plant or site closures, financial difficulties -- more and more employers are using retention bonuses to key staff to ensure continued employment through transitions. Part of an overall retention bonus strategy is to design a program that includes more than salary payments and can include other benefits such as college tuition, relocation, and retirement enhancements. It is more effective to pay retention bonuses in payments over time as opposed to a lump sum.

    Ok we do not directly pay money- to most of our employees;-)
    but still we use rewards and recognitions, financial support for conferences etc...
    so...just a glimpse of thoughts

    Best Practices for Competency Management:]

    1. Integrate competencies into training and development programs.

    2. Assess and building team competencies.

    3. Reengineere performance management processes with competencies that account for the highest performance variance.

    4. Determine the return-on-investment or economic value of competency initiatives.

    5. Implement competency-based organizational transformation and change strategies.

    6. Assess and develop leadership competencies.

    7. Recruite and select top performers.

    8. Implemente succession planning and executive development processes.

    9. Strengthen functional or technical competencies.

    10. Implement competency-based, multi-source (360-degree) assessment and development planning.

    11. Link individual or team-based competencies with core competencies and strategic intent.

    12. Design and implement a comprehensive competency-based system architecture and process.

    nodding versus shaking ur head

    I didnt think it so natural for u- eventhough I know that meaning of these gestures is completelly different here in Bulgaria:/
    Wondering whether after some months will it change and I will use nod for deny and shake for yes???
    but now its source of some quite frequent misunderstandings:]

    Tuesday, July 10, 2007


    I have forgotten about this important fact:-)
    Traffic is here a little bit crazy:]
    drivers dont care about pedestrians and u schould watch out by crossin the street.
    Im still not so used to thqat so keep your fingers crossed for my life;-)


    one of the best way of communication?
    Especially when u dont know language.
    I was standing in the bus not in the very best place- close to door, but then I coould keep my backpack on the floor between seat and barrier. A woman wanted to replace the places- or at least this is what I think she wanted:-)In reply i just smiled and pointed at my backpack. Dunno whether her smile was sign of approval or only so called cheerful resignation, but it worked out;-)

    Monday, July 09, 2007


    AIESEC is non-political organization but it's obvious its members have some opinions, it's also obvious that it is presen in environment full of politics and inside organization there is also lots of it.
    As soon as its good politics im happy about- we need positive leadership also in politics...
    wondering how will aiesec and wther will at all response to what has been happening in pl currently:]


    AIESEC is non-political organization but it's obvious its members have some opinions, it's also obvious that it is presen in environment full of politics and inside organization there is also lots of it.
    As soon as its good politics im happy about- we need positive leadership also in politics...
    wondering how will aiesec and wther will at all response to what is happening in pl currently:]

    the idea;-)

    The idea that came up to my mind was that either im more effective or I have more time while working in MC which is strange;-)
    But i do not complain about it.
    Or maybe when ur to develop urself in the organizational perspective u move back to the personal one- so the process of development is constant- u see the value of self-development and learning not only by doing and just implement it?
    Neverthelees it's so nice and promising in term of future work- that u can leave it in the office, that u can have hobbies, that u can yeap! simply can do a lot!
    the only strange thing is to call aiesec stuff as work... hope i wont treat is as work cause for me this is sth not apropriate- its development, its about responsibilities about fun, passion, hobby but not work from to

    cleaning the office

    As I wrote before - just the same Sunday I arrived we took care of the office
    here are the pictures;-):

    Sunday, July 08, 2007

    2nd day of 2nd weekend

    it waaaaaas a good day
    I woke up a little bit late- 10, maybe it was after yesterday, did some shopping, managed to go to laundry and had my washing done:-).
    Then I almost finalized my holiday with my mum... but now, when I'm writing this they are finalized- we are going to Nessebar:-)cleaned my room a little bit- still need to take more care of it:-)
    And then Blago took me for great walk around the town:-)
    I got another stamp in my 100 book, visited some churches- dunno why didnt feel atmosphere of them?:(
    Maybe need to be alone and not as a tourist:-)
    We were walking around for 4 hours or sth like that and I started to get to know where I am and how to getto various places:-)
    It was really ql cause I started to feel that this is my place:-)
    My town:-)
    Still, I think its realtively small:-) so hope I will have new places to discover throughout the year or maybe I will manage to travel across the country?
    Cause I egt another idea...

    pics from today

    Me in front of national theater pic taken by Blago:-)

    one of too many churches of sofia;-)
    just kidding- the oldes one St George- visited thx to Blago

    block 24- mine:-)

    temporary- my fridge-- food healthy one cause i wont to be slim:-) kept in cold water can be:D

    I have dictionary

    The best info from today
    I have dictionary
    polish- bg bg-polish:-)
    its 20 years older than me- its from 65--> so it can be my guide;-)
    Its oryginlly prom poland- pwn, so i know its good and we have the same roots:-)
    Thats why from today its my best friend going with me everywhere:-)

    Saturday, July 07, 2007

    today findings

    - edin talon
    - nie bilety
    ok.. moving to the next dunno how to call it...?
    kiosk- selling food for sure
    ans new round of questions
    - bilety?
    - da
    - edin:-)

    thus i managed to buy ten tickets and was able to go to swimming pool:)

    in the bus i managed to understand girl speaking on the mobile- she was two busstops from swimming pool
    dunno how to write sth as
    jasem dwa spirki basen
    ;-) i become fast learner:-)

    swimming pool
    i cannt remind myself of being at the open swimming pool in poland still...
    cannot imagine that alcohol would be sold at such pool
    in Bulgaria there is- people sit on the edge and drink bier.
    Half of them didnt swim at all, just sunbath, sit drink and chat:]

    finally, number of women without bra, dunno whether polish females are so health oriented or have complexes, but cannot imagine so many women without bras at the swimming pool, especially after visiting several saunas in Poland


    My priorities
    I was trying to put a table here but it was not working, maybe that's why one of them is connected with html;-)
    So i will give here only priorities without description and mos:/
    Proper recruitment
    Deeper organizational understanding and identification
    Unification and coherence of used tools
    New skills gained
    Balance in life
    Learn foreign languages
    tat's why im now listening to bbc:]
    it gives opportuynity to masterfy 3 out of 5 languages I choose:
    Spanish/ Portugese still dunno
    English and German- to master

    me, myself and I

    Kocham ten stan... rozkoszne sam na sam
    quotations from song
    really showing my evenings here- enjoying self-discovery,
    just today inspired by Tobi:-)I went to visit my johari- its interesting, also wonder how perception of my person has changed, that's why I set up new Johari:
    Please go and fill this for me, will take u a while but will go a big advantage to me!
    thank u:-)

    you are the sum of those met on ur way

    what will be the added valu of the comming year?


    the 2nd weekend in Bulgaria- I think I havent had such nice weekends for ages, dunno why?
    Today around 7 hours at open swimming pool:
    sunbathing, swimming and solving sudoku
    then some ice-cream yeah against my aim to loosing on weight, but they were worth it!
    Really delicious one and now time for relaxing evening at home.
    Probably will fall asleep soon and in the meantime play something in kurnik- God havent had time for this for ages too!
    My brain was so damm washed:/and only two things focused;-)
    but now although I'm on the MC my life balance seems to be better- is it because of culture of work here, or maybe I got older or maybe sth else I do not realize?
    Dunno but I'm really satisfied with my life;-)
    And no matter what days bring I know this is the best year of my life!

    Friday, July 06, 2007

    polish stuff

    its 2 weeks, but im still not fully here--> due to talks with pl friends, some gifts;-)
    and polih products in shops- sobieski and tymbark- discovered long time ago and expensive there is also fish stuff from losos:]
    and bella but this is another storry-->it would be easier to buy napy than normal, not packed separately sanitary towels.

    is my 2nd friday in BG.
    Stll dunno whether time goes fast or slow.
    Still do not think in English and do not speak my mind as precisely as I would like to.
    but we have some weeks ahead;-)
    Free weekend in Sofia means I'm going to explore the town and to the swimming pool:D najz:]
    But first, time to write sth more about Burgas.
    My learnings from there:P
    - how to validate ur ticket and make people use tickes???
    I think system in Burgas is a good one:-)
    Firstly, there are two kind of buses:
    - normal, big one
    - and the 2nd called marszrutka, but its not minibus or van as sofia but just smaller bus, which u can enter only thgourh one door - close to driver so to get out u have to pay...
    In normal buses- dunno why this job is dominated by women.
    This woman controls who enters the bus and simply apporaches everybody to control or sells the ticket:-)
    During staying on the seaside I had also small accident with jelly fish- I forget there can be animals in the surrounding of people...
    my hand ached for a while but the impression of clear water, of the fact that human being was not able to damage everything was precious:]

    Our office

    view from entrance

    Milenski- my neighbour at blok24 and at the desk

    view from the window;-)

    desk in bigger perspective

    my part of the desk:)

    my cool board:-)


    a little bit late but...
    its more than one year since I post for the first time here!
    I didnt think I will manage to become a blogger but...:-)


    I didnt comment on it earlier- the ugly, terrible building C of our school win an award:/???

    Thursday, July 05, 2007


    almost for sure
    I'm not comming back to Poland before Xmas
    So I plan to be in Warsaw 20 of DEC- I have already ticket
    and have my holidays in February in order to pass my exams.
    After counting and checking I need one more semester of studyng in place- which means in place:/
    this is influencing my plans:]
    so we will see what future brings but all waiting for me sorry one more month;p
    the party will be much greater then:P

    polish memories vol 2

    super papa party
    Przemo honoured member;-)

    @ dances of course




    EB ziomki- biedronki

    with klimeczek

    Wednesday, July 04, 2007

    Always look one the bright side of life

    ok i cannot open then window... so what?
    is it the reason to stay at teh room?
    Go to sleep?
    Its thereason to make use of the best teammate and neighbour Ican imagine- Milenski:-)
    One hour outside in Fantastiko, walking around studentksy eating hm sz sth...:]sziszkal i dunno how to write it:-)
    and life is much better now:)
    wear sunscreen etc:)
    Thank u:)

    I hate being powerless


    few more- enjoy!

    pictures from TD

    Tuesday, July 03, 2007

    my room now

    my wall corner feeling like home
    bathroom with bulb, washing clothes and dishes and finally cooking floor with my dinner:-) potatoes with tomatoes:-)
    and my fridge- bowl with cold water:D