Wednesday, April 29, 2009

amazing time in hk - pictures

dissapearing in the fog - i was lucky to do sightseeing before conference when the weather was not so bad - afterwrds typical spring days came and weather was depressing:/
faci team :D

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

If you loose again motivation

u can alwasy read old posts
OMG havent so much time for ages
some random reflections as well - kept only for myself
but omg i was so young and beautiful ;-)

Why did I stop blogging

Sitting on the grass in front of the house I spent one year in I realized why I stopped blogging.
It was not because lack of time it was because:
1) I felt that when I'm in Poland people I want to share my thoughts and emotions with will be here around and I will not need blogging to update them.
What a painful mistake
during this year I havent met some - the question is do I still need and want - were they not important enough or just life and ppl changed and there is no need?
Basia, Mrozek, Kama and somehow my old EB is withing this group - my old EB cause i didnt participate in any get drunk as hell party since im back :(

some of the people I know I care and are important were just too far away - since we were both in the same country we thought there is noe need for fixed arrangements etc
This group goes to
Owoc, Kuspit, Laska and my lord:/

I thought blog is not relevant to stay in touch with ppl I care and far away - they deserve more time.
These are Ira, Geri, My BG MC team, Wolaczek
Wonder if you still come here and check what's up :>
life aaaa
I also realized that i didnt make a clear vision and goal for this year for me personally - from the very beginning I started the race- my personal race for 1000, when I realized its not possible and Im lonely in it I just clearly saw that ... I'm who I'm and that's all.
I went to India for 10 days and brought hardly any pictures being so cinvinced that I will come back there again - cause this year is just in between my life not a part of it.
Only after APXLDS I cam back on track that's why first posts are from there - region of culture that I admire and wanna be part of!.
It's funny because before I took picture of every room I lived in, eventhough I was travelling and not spending long hours there - for this year I didnt have my room so that I didnt have my place, without my place I think I lost my connection, so... I got it back and I'm here again:D

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

many thoughts

posts will be divided into thoughts and pictures:>
1) way to conference, train, non smoking compartments, but ours is full of smoke, not extremelly full but there is smoke, 4 guys with beers, sitting, enjoying themselves, we change our sits, to be sure we will not stay in corridor we buy new tickets, why us not these guys?
2) hangovers- why are u so stupid to drink? cause you always miss the moment when to stop, the next day you die, but the next party you again forgot the limit, wouldnt be one of the best achievements of the current world- sth like a warning implant letting you know when to stop
3) Asia - I miss the place why? because of respect, values,