Monday, March 31, 2008


Before putting on blog the rest of my Russian adventure short comment - Im freak :D It is not result of any deeper reflection more agreeing with myself and shaping self awareness, thinking of the things I did and do in life, relations with peole, passion for the things i do and love, freakness about environment, information management and some other aspects that drive others crazy, approach to live and beaviours --> im freak but... what doest it mean, what is normal and is being freak good or bad? or maybe neutral cause thats the way we are?!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

belief? passion? freak?

Dunno what is the reason but Im getting pissed off with the war of my and facebook.
Im pissed off with role modelling of mc members and mcps creating groups there, spamming X, promoting conferences?!
You dont like close it and stop spending money on that? Or maybe u dont like it cause u need to create sth in it life is not so easy anymore and u need to be active... future global leader?!
so i shall add one more freakness of mine sustainability and information management or simply facebook?!
Where is boarder line?!


yeye ur from @ u think u know the meaning of the post?! not really.
Some super smart ass also called theory state that the win-win solutions are the best in life... yes in long perspective for sure and this seems to be so obvious. But latelly I have the feeling that my Mos is geting invoice- cause if get it my spending may be refunded from evs... so i struggle and fight and have some adventures some of the recent ones;
Im hungry, the lunch break is short no time to go to the checked place, will exlopre new one, misunderstanding - instead of salad pizza, waiting longer, being late in the office, had to eat meet:/
Today I was supposed to pick up invoice from the place we ate before my going to xpro...and there was no invoice.. I lost - i spent money they lost, cause i will not come there again...and this is life especially in those all post communistic countries, the value of service the approach to it... no comments:(


God save me from my brian and thoughts the rest of the wrld will be easy to manage...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Russian impressions

My adventure with Russia - all in all a lot of fun and refelctions. From the very beginning when landing in Moscow and realizing that hm it is not as easy as Im used- passport is not enough- some registartion card needs to be filled and ur second category citizen ?! Airport far away rfom the town - now direct connection with the city u need to change subway and bus, taxi - prices higher than in wester Europe so welcome to the wild wild east?!
I was picked up by Masha which made my life easier cause alone I would have felt a little bit lost. Discovering elektryczka, people selling all and nothing in it, shops with cheap and hig prices, seafood and random things, LC Moscow - only one in such big town thx to the person I know... hm so what is growth about?! Asian looking people in the LC although never before have I seen Asian looking person as representatives of LCEB or MC. Impressive venue, russian language all around me, old faces, new faces, being tired, realizing Im Polish when answering Masha's questions in Polish- yeah im Polish i have my own coountry and origin ;-). Waking up travelling with new people who decided to be as nice and stay with me to walk around the town, meeting Alina - realizing the power of network, the meaning of being AIESEC'er, friendship of Masha who can bring my luggage from the venue so I can sightseeing, eating in Mc Donalds 2nd day in a row - where are my bliny;(. Reflecting on the fact that people I know grew up and Im still in AIESEC, without money but with friends?!without love but with passion. Without balance but with adventures.

Summary- everything is huge and there is a lot of monuments :]- everywhere

Typical Russia- didnt manage to take picture in elektryczka or in subway with all those guard etc but this is it- a building - fancy one just in the red square and...nobody knows what is there, u cannot go in but for sure sth is there cause the light is on... :]

Red square, its good to consider red only as a colour isnt it? Somehow I felt like Asian tourist taking picture without any deeper refelction, or having reflection about my future, about reluctance to have home, about willingness to have life as neverchanging @internship to discover more more and more on the other hand realizing how few places I usually see when Im abroad with AIESEC, how few facts I discover about this specific culture but on the other hand how many people from all the cultures I know and can speak with them can taste the world with their eyes and their understanding isnt it amazing?!

Funny - some time agao long queues and lots of people willing to see this dead guy, speciall corridors connecting the grave with subway etc, now- abandoned and negletced picture more for fun... or maybe for question about leadership, needed power to make a change?! or maybe about being mad?!

This is wow for sure, from outside and inside BEAUTIFUL- although I try not to abuse this word;-).

Nothing to add- Moscow, amazing feelng of standing in front of the symbol known from TV, in a country so far but so close... Feeling freezing but also somehow at home, being extremelly happy and impressed, discovering Russia- if you have problems with learning foreing language- either u will decide u dont like country so much and u dont need the language or u will fall in love- Russia I want to meet u again :-)

Friday, March 28, 2008


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Moscow, Russia aaaaa

Yeah this is what u think about- Moscow amazing experience of almost two weeks called Russia, XPRO and Vienna im empowered, Im crazy Im working, more from home cause I still need to put my place in order;-)

Yeye m big face and other big things such as Kremlin believe me or not but this is what a feeling !!! just being in this place super cool famous place :P

Yeye travelling across the world all the time the same jacket, cup scafr and shoes- how many countries and places ;-)? most probably some of these gadgets will not come back to Poland

U can buy piece of pavement and paint something on it- super cool way to show off or impress your girlfriend, hm wish the love is at least as long-lasting as the pavement

It is said that couples put it for luck, hm sweet :D but I wish more luck to those who put some effort and chose the nice, colourful, rustless I really think you cannot abandon things and just pray for sb to make them for u :P

reflections or dreams?

So I went to my 2nd XPRO as delegate, with my head full of ideas such as transferring from fast track to extremelly slow track, being old and tired, being pissed off, being disappointed with myself, organization, surrounding, wondering what is my place what is my direction, destination unknown or known without desires and passions and this was the point it happened - XPRO 2008. The event that gave me back passion, belief, desire, or maybe I took it back from all the young people like vampire :D;-) or most probably I just knew why I was there and simply did the best because this is what is all about...


So although I thought the same weekend before this was my last weekend in Plovdiv. My second time in Bulgaria, town of lots of memories, town of lots of important people. Town of amazing potential that is not used and maybe the potential that I realised too late. Town of key learning points especially from international point of view- internationals has to be coaches and their term shall start if possible with visit in each lc not only meeting them on conference! The town of getting to know the conference management and others just a town which will forever stay in my mind ;-)

the last isghtseeing point, poor tired guys decided to go with me, but since according to my guide it was worth seeing it we went there. And it was :) But it was also the last place for me to see in Plovdiv, of course u can never say I saw everything but... my stage of experiencing plovdiv can be more guide rather than visitor :D

Destination known - meeting in Plovdiv to find out that destination is shaped;-) next meeting point St Pete. Again conference with Tony :D so for sure this will be amazing conference :D
happy and tired the last day in Plovdiv most probably for a long time, but my love to the town stays so ;-)

small city small country life;-)- read from the bottom again :D

My conference friend :D and big tree= random :D

Yeye it is Charlie in the background - So am I such a big water freak as I though? Or maybe Im more and more into climbing and walking around the mountains, enjoying the env around :).

Warm, picturesque and relaxing can u imagine better weekend? me not, eh this life-work balance I wish it were permanent state of my life... :D


4 adventure loving people :D 4 AIESEC'ers :D
Do u remember my post about being AIESEC'er? being a host and friend? being really international? being really networking? So I decided that although I extremelly appreciate time on my own latelly with my own directions and destinations, sharing my time with people with different perspectives and point of view can be even more interesting so that's why Saturday ended as day of Chinese-BG-Polish invasion on some cool places in BG:)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

airporting - on the way to wild wild east!

Im on the way to XPRO as usual for me the way is long but as cheap as possible :P
So I spent night on Vienna airport- it was raining and cold and flight was delayed so decided to stay at the airport. Eh it is amazingly cool with infrastructure and just the ok place to stay for night, in addition its connected with the center so im going to sighsee vienna on the way back. It is also amazing how the boardes dissappear and how Prague Bratislava and Vienna are almost one in terms of being able just to go from one to naother with the bust or liners etc. But Im on the way to different reality- getting to know that another people have problems with visa- my friends is spoiling my mood about it and happiness :( I dont know why things happen this way, why some people have power to celebrate and so enthusiastically abuse it :( Do not know this answer and would rather not have to ask this questions again:/

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Currently I have some problems with access to my blog, no idea why:/
I was trying to upload more pictures from my last weekend adventures and my EVS training but didnt manage. On the other hand I dont feel like writing without pictures, so tomorrow will try once again if not... hm if not I will think what to do but lets be optimistic.

weekending and not weekending :D

old buildings dunno if i love them or im not impressed anymore

but of course sb had to destroy it- because of being bored or drunk? other possible reasons not known to author of this blog.

Wooden playground for children and some educational stuff

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

update vol 2:)

I dont rather go to the churches, is not my place definitelly but on sightseeing list is on the top- i dont know if it is characteristics of Bulgaria of the world heritage but this is something typical - churches on the way :)


KOPRIVSHTICA - fisrt on my route, again taking picture on ur own :P, the town behind and some horse monument:P

Monday, March 03, 2008

Plovdiv- again from the bottom

in the direction of sun and red and white... going back to Sofia for the week, tbc tomorrow ;-)

Martenica- or rather feeling like in PL- red and white everywhere!;-)

Coming to Plovdiv to see my destination soon - st pete:) yes here Im coming :)Finally tickets booked- with one night in vienna still not knowing what to do that night, a lot of thoughts about xpro itself but im coming

Mosque and Martenica - com and buy stuff - everywhere;-)

way to duner place- awful but u can smell it from the distance and i had to go there;-) didnt think of taking picture of my last plovdiv duner:/ maybe will ask sb else to take one;-)

nice place, nice memories, nice walking around

climbing was a good choice- the view of Plovdiv:)

So as I said I decided to go to Plovdiv, climbing again? why not. My legs were killing me but I decided to take the challenge and see what is this monument about :)

Asenovgrad and Plovdiv- read from the bottom

The road- as u see not the most pleasent way of getting to the destination on foot

So decided to move into direction of Monaster but after some time I doubted, decided to go back and go with the road but due to heavy traffic it was also not very pleasant and possible and... I went back to Plovdiv :)

picture taken on ur own are nothing special...

It turned out to be a fortress - and this is what is about my two hours of climbing due to going off route etc. A little bit not what I expected but walking in the mountains - 1st spring days, nice weather, fresh air was worth it :)

Sth in the distance -1st thought what is it? this fortress? monastry or nothing??? hm...

So I decided that I want to see the fortress and monastry. According to the map it looked ok - first fortress later monastry and it all can be done within one day - so I went to Plovdvi - another waking up in the morning -6.30 I started waking up earlier during weekends that during working days. Train to Plodviv, managing to switch into one to Avsenogra- no signs for the fortress in the town so choosing direction basing on the map and next big town and... yes I got on track there was some small sing that this is direction of the fortress...

promised pictures

Boyana- the place of 1st adventure- going there on Saturday to find out that: - entrance if 2 lev which I didnt want to pay cause on Monday is for free - I waited till Monday... and also walking around to find a place and on the way go around historical museum - totally unnecessarily - nothing interesting ;-) and just got tired walking. On Monday managed to see the paintings inside, but pictures were not allowed so no pictures for u. All in all I realized Im not as sensitive to beauty as maybe I should or maybe UNESCO is not any leader of opinion and trend setter for me;-)

bag and backpack- the best place to keep piles of clothes :]

My new super cool way to arrange the place- bag is for keeping hairdryer and others

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Weekending :)

So I decided to have intense weekends- see and do as much as possible. Due to my independence I did have some adventures- not being able to find what I wanted, wkaing up in the morning and spending long hours in the trains, taking pictures of myself, not knowing where Im going but knowing what I want to see etc. First pictures, later on comments about my thoughts- cause u can have a lot of thought when ur with urself!