Thursday, February 28, 2008


Bulgaria – it is definitely not third world odd country and it is not all about that …
Still during this one year I learn – how to live without fridge- today even totally – food can disappeared from window sill and this is called life- so you can buy less or another type of products and fried is not as necessary as you may think. The same for washing machine – comparing the potential costs of water etc blab la is not so much more expensive as long as you are ok with handwashing – so you get ok. Shower without cabin – ok the bathroom is a little bit wet for the person after on the other hand so easy to clean ;-) I have totally different concept of my beloved imagined bath.
Taking into consideration salary – omg there are so many things u spend money only cause u have it…amazing power of consumption almost as power of sleeping of people who as nothing to do. BTW it is amazing how easily people can get used to the life without any hm sense? Yeah somehow sense- like classes 3 times a week for 2 hours, party every evening, eating and sleeping no f* idea what is attractive in it but we are weird as human beings cause we need maybe one week to get used to such life and maybe at least one month to get used to regular waking up in the morning…

Beauty of organization

Or maybe luck of it. It is not that I lost my faith, or that I think it is not worth. I think it is more than ever, I think it’s extremely worth it when I speak with each single person who went through international eXPerience. In the time of internet and globalization with “everyone speaking English and able to travel easily…” going abroad with @ is just a must do- seeing how people changes. How different is their perception of themselves and world around… believe me you cannot be without it, simply for me you cannot but the question stays à is it beautiful – beloved abused, making me sick world…;-).
Is it beautiful when you need Outgoing Preparation Seminar cause through one-year activity you didn’t meet or met on intern? Is it beautiful cause there are not enough hosts in the LC or in town such as Warsaw and some freaks able to give the bed to strangers even straight after conference? Is it beautiful when in Sofia international, MC member needs to pick up intern from the airport and host in the dormitory? Is it beauty when it is so hard to find hosts before and after conference? Host for MCPs, host for MCs- super leaders of organization developing leaders?
So dear AIESEC member I bet most of the people reading my posts are @cers or still close to it.
Next time when u feel f*** tired and busy when sb asks you for help, for chat, for sharing these precious 2 square meter of your floor and maybe some water… think what is it cultural sensitivity, what do you really know about current world? What do you know about people living in another town what about another continent? Are you proud of your country and culture? Why don’t u feel like promoting it and showing to foreigners? You don’t feel like this? So what do u do to change it? Do you love travelling? So why in the organization connecting high potential people in rapidly growing network members are not able to travel around the world and enjoy hosts who shall have the similar point of view and interest in world issues and developing their @change agent leadership characteristics?
Hm and you super cool developed alumni or supposed to be one… what did u get out of this shit of raising sweets and making phonecalls- ah yes work in some corpo… is it too idealistic to believe that you can have friend around the world and open mind???
Think and again and one more time if you need – are you satisfied with what you are? With what you stand for? So what do you know about other cultures? About other people? Why are you so scared of unknown? Is you value measured by your actions, by leading, by having impact or by direction resulting for the pressure of the crowd ???
The difference between picking up intern and not maybe feeling relaxed and comfortable, or increasing your comfort zone cause you were kicked out of it by person who hasn’t eaten muesli before but has so much balance that you will be never able to get.
The difference between staying in the country and going on internship – money, flat, or knowing your direction, being able to say no to common direction, seeing new perspective letting you not to take care of small stuff…
Living or living?
It’s up to u;-)

Spelling mistakes and others

As a person with hurry up driver but in the same time claiming to have work-life balance I officially promise to try to limit the number of spelling mistakes in this blog and use commas and other useless from my perspective stuff :)

ctizne of the world

what does it mean to you?
For me it starts to mean that Im ok wherever Im - I see pros and cons of Poland and Bulgaria Im ok with many things, dont mind the reast- it will be hard for me to find the super cool thing about any other country as well as super thing to complain - of course the second will be easier with my critical approach but... all in all I can adjust everywhere still on my list there is aonly Europe so have this feeling that I need to make the further step. Maybe not now in that very moment but need it. Need to chceck myself and see how it is.
But i feel like find a God or sth to calm and balanced as for me ;-)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


tbc menas also eating natural yoghurt and other stuff like that;-)
So thats why somehow it sounded like growing up suggesting being totally immature ;-) before but this is also not true cause if i were immature im still ;-) So i rahther say Im balanced but somehow with age u change and im really curious why is it so how is it working etc hmmm... new hobby or new questions or just new reasons for random investigations ;-)
But this is also true and however I cannot totally agree with I;-) for female people - yeah we are also people;-) means having this feeling and emotions when seeing small children and happy couples and other made in bolywood or hollywood stuff :]. So of course however I sometimes seem I also feel into this wow so cute aaae;-) but with of course my own weird realization. :) Yes so cool I wanna have a babe of course still three D and this house and with this super MR X or whosoever but... I dont insist anymore that not now cause Im not ready and need to go to Asia and commit suicade and come back on Earth etc- meaning typical fear of being adult ;-) but Im rather really into whatever happens is the right thing to happen however shitty it was for me one year ago - like on of the biggest bulshits of the world now i think its all in all even smart;-). Cause I still plan to go to Asia like ok now MC later on one internship in India, one in HongKong and maybe still in between somewhere this idea MCP or internship or sth in Africa, but on the other hand if Im to meet MR X on the corner tonight I dont feel this pursuit to travel and go on and go on with being citizen of the world without home with big H. But ... I also dont go around looking for MR X i sit in the bus deep in my books, I dont have much free time and go our running with best friend ipod rather than stretching;-) to meet soem super cute smart ass I dont have acount on any of this helping people who think its too late think even more that its too late and this is only reason for them to create couple etc shits. Im balanced? is it possible? I am. I can go in the mountains for the weekend and just checking mailbox once a day to see whats up. I spend the time in the bus to read some relaxing books. I can go for a walk. I have time to cook and can eat what I want. I can go where I want, wherever... and this is so cool cause also I more and more know where this wherever shall lead to...
I think most of the people are puking at this point of time not reading more but... :D
I also discover why Mr X is not priority in my life - I hate pretending and being not honest and natural and as long as m not fully stating for myslelf - like a job and place to live i feel its not just the moment - why im writing this? cause im so happy im not in spring madnees and all in all that im not getting crazy as some people around seem to

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

a lot of thoughts and things happening around...

... so let start with some random thoughts as usually.
Getting older or growing up.
Both titles are not appropriate for content of my head- I think Im getting older - true, but older like omg old aaaaa panic in the air oh i will be older and older and i will die or sth but I feel older cause:
- I really like my own company I dont need people to go for a walk, to restaurant, drink a wine, go to the cinema etc.
I dunno if its only me but one year before i would have needed a company, people around or think only lonely people do so. Maybe it is because with age ur more appreciating urself world around and u do need external appreciation?
So maybe its better to use growing up, but i dont feel i was so f*** childish one year back or sth, but still there is some boarded that I think I passed Im not sure when but it happened.
You know it wen u start eating things you wouldnt eat before like pistachios

Friday, February 22, 2008

Day of saint buses;-)

In the whole hunt for invoices and bills driving crazy as hell I decided to go to Kaufland for shopping at least having some invoices and maybe making the life at least easier :). All in all managed to get there, went shopping got invoice :D and came back, got a random buss cause i decided that i cannot get lost while I have routes map with me. Didnt only consider one thing... buses stops on the busstop althought the bus number is not visible on the bus stop, so i get off the bus once, nth showing up, got to the same bus till the end, walked around got onto antoher bus - mine but in the wrong direction, got on it again and finally managed all in all faster than being stuck in traffic jam so it seems i quiet have my route ;-)
But... it was not the end of the day :D I had still amazing airport trip ahead with confusion about which terminal to go, getting onto wrong bus in order to get off on the next busstop to switch but... the proper bus stop didnt stop there:] having a walk back to the bus stop, catching the bus which was the last on the day, so running in the airpor lounge to pick up intern, running to the bus luckily catching it and going back ...
this is called exploring the town if u want to call it nicely;-)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

welcome party

So we managed to open wine- with 4 boys, security guars, destroying corckscrew of a girl...
so impossible is nothing but why not to have some fun around;-)

did u know/realize

that there are lots of our peers- in poalnd or bg not some far far away third wrold country who
dont use skype
dont use facebook
can spend whole day on
dont speak english fluently
were abroad still have ardly any independence and ability to be on their own, deal with things on their own
how much u take life and people around u for granted
and for reliable, representative group of ur society?

With Olga:) amazing facts- I found a time to go skiing - having sessions, selection process, just dropping from Bulgaria all in all I found time to go skiing :)

In Poland but there was snow :) and I really skied :) had wonderful time :D and lots of discoveries...

First discovery was about Olga or rather current kids in general - what is trendy, what they learn, what are the relations among peers, what their perception of the world is - amazing and for me useful and inspiring, somehow bringing me to the point of realizing some facts and figures about me as that I really love children :P and I would love to work with them in the future.

How many people- parents, teachers really speak with their children? how many explain why they shall do sth not only in term of culture etc, but also for example skiing - that the results will be this and that and this will make ur life easier etc? It was also funn to discover wireless in our place- so close to the skiing area - better tan in Austria:P but also seeing that I go internal wifi card, Ola external and my uncle was using blueconnet - heh generations:). I also had tme for saune and this is a mast have for my house without any doubts!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

non aiesec life

somehow there is some existing - meaning passing all my 7 (not so many but still;-)) exams while being semester in bg:) again not spending as much or as focused time with my family as i planned wanted and should, meeting some old friends and seeing that there are some people really cloe to my hearth and also way of thinking, some not so on both levels but still amazinly important and assessing from time spent with them they are in amount that makes my life satisfactory :)
I had time for ordinary things such as shopping yeah - omg cool clothes;-) semi formal and comfortable i love them still so hard to buy and maintain :P, watching movies- lejdis and asterix - polish movie having a lot of fun aeeeeeeeeee :D
eating home made food - mainly for xmas but also hm using fridge and normal kitchen on the one hand was cool on the other i noticed that they are not as necessary as i used to think, the same for bath and some other things, the one and only - bed aaaaah;-)
and people :D thx for my stay in poland to all that made it special
starting from supper xmas eve with my kanalie and some other, through exploring klimeczek's place and meeting bassion also :)
having gala kanalii and some talks with Radzio and Przemo :)
going... skiing with my uncel and Olga maybe it should be also described in the post???
meeting Pysia and Laska and reazligin that sometimes as a person with my life style im totally odd and on the other hand thet its not me but the world with it frames etc
so sth is odd but all in all discovery for the year 2008 - I m happy person, knowing how to be happy with more amazing people around me that I need and can even give back, being stronger than i thought and much more mature in the same time allowing myself to be lost, random and just live :)

United for Success

United for success :) MC AIESEC in Poland 08-09
Trust, Role Model, Quality, Cooperation
Here we are achievers of growth, success and achieving with passion and joy:)

So from the left:
Ania Szymkiewicz, current LCP of LC Kielce, nominated for Finance Director, a new person in my network, for sure with lots of similar characteristics especially attitufe towards fluff:)
Joanna Tomkiewicz, LCP of LC Poznan, MCVP ICX - my roommate on TD and much more can be said...;-)unfortuantelly we will not spend this XPRO together but we will spend many more magic moments:)
Krzysztof Piatkowski - vel Krzychoo, current NST communication, to be voted for MCVP communication, the biggest discovery of ITC amazing personality from Rumia - a person to celebrate on beach when we are officaily together :D
Elzbieta Banasiak, current LCP of LC Warszawa SGH, my home LC,MCVP TM - hm what to say, no words would be enough, knowng her from being a newie, honest, full of emotions, passion and joy :)
Partyk Statkiewicz, current MCVP ER, MCP :)a man who believes in magic that we will all make :), a person that u need to get to know better to be able to assess but for sure a person who... can lead a team without conflicts
Chwalislawa Waligora, current NST X, MCVP ER, person who I got to know in summer 2005 not being sure she is real, individual who will sell hairshampoo to bold and can achieve much more as long as she is interested in it.
me :P
Krzysztof Skotnicki-current LCP of LC Lodz, to be voted for MCVP Expansion got to know him on CEEMOS but hm not remember well;-) later on from parties till the morning and sessions from the morning person who can combina work and fun :) but good quality of fun:P

together we can achieve more :) always with energy and enthusiasm
for u :) no matter who ur
potential or current AIESEC member of AIESEC in Poland or other country,
our potetnial or current stakeholder or supporter.
To make ur eXPerience with AIESEC worth it and trully life changing

year in pink house

so one of the wishes i took from under my pillow came true. After interesting process with some doubts, proving myself in process supported by Deloitte i got it...
Im mcvp of poland for the next term. All in all with some crazy things and questions happening around because im ogx...:)
because of the process - its lenght some things happening around and some things happening this week i was feeling- like around election for vp tm and now thinking of my results, achievements, development and many things i think it was amazing year most probably even better that this one in bg- although i cannot compare it cause its about different development etc but i mean in terms of well being so today im perfectly ok.
Never before were I so happy that i will have opportunity to live and work with these amazing individuals - wszystkimi razem i kazdym z osobna;-) that I will have huge challenge and will be back with my friends and my culture in the same time preparing to going even further in my exploration of the world and hopefully finishin chapter of my life called studying :)
as for this year after 1,5 month - yes are u aware how fast the time flows??? im very very positive about my dreams coming true and things happening around:)


many people decided or not decided but stop blogging.
More or less this also goes for me. why - because i felt that i share maybe too man things here, or cannot be absolutetly sincere- both options are not ok with my character. still lets give a try, i put here a lot of stories and thoguths, pictures that may be not available anywhere else so why not - with a long to do list for weekend I have had lazy saturday and writing here something seems to be the best option:)

Friday, February 15, 2008


so what is happening:
- I realized private dream :-) I'm really happy and everyday even more sure that was a good decision!:-)
Besides I hope to soon pass my exam session - waiting for one:/ with really good grades so maybe distance learning is a solution for me?:) Still need to finish my studies and plan to do it till end of june 2009 - 2 majors, 2 master thesis and sth like 8 subjects ... impossible is nothing and this is sth realy important for me now.
I had also to make some hard decisions and put my needs aside, give up some desires, needs and plans:/.But it all brought me to when Im now - back to BG honestly exercising a lot positvie thinking and approach. Multitasking, patience and stakeholder focus... why ... still dunno if I shall write ;-)
so maybe first I will write about what was happening in PL :D

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

so Im back

but i dont have time to write more sorry Even post of Wojdak didnt change my approach ;-)