Bulgaria – it is definitely not third world odd country and it is not all about that …
Still during this one year I learn – how to live without fridge- today even totally – food can disappeared from window sill and this is called life- so you can buy less or another type of products and fried is not as necessary as you may think. The same for washing machine – comparing the potential costs of water etc blab la is not so much more expensive as long as you are ok with handwashing – so you get ok. Shower without cabin – ok the bathroom is a little bit wet for the person after on the other hand so easy to clean ;-) I have totally different concept of my beloved imagined bath.
Taking into consideration salary – omg there are so many things u spend money only cause u have it…amazing power of consumption almost as power of sleeping of people who as nothing to do. BTW it is amazing how easily people can get used to the life without any hm sense? Yeah somehow sense- like classes 3 times a week for 2 hours, party every evening, eating and sleeping no f* idea what is attractive in it but we are weird as human beings cause we need maybe one week to get used to such life and maybe at least one month to get used to regular waking up in the morning…