Sunday, February 17, 2008

With Olga:) amazing facts- I found a time to go skiing - having sessions, selection process, just dropping from Bulgaria all in all I found time to go skiing :)

In Poland but there was snow :) and I really skied :) had wonderful time :D and lots of discoveries...

First discovery was about Olga or rather current kids in general - what is trendy, what they learn, what are the relations among peers, what their perception of the world is - amazing and for me useful and inspiring, somehow bringing me to the point of realizing some facts and figures about me as that I really love children :P and I would love to work with them in the future.

How many people- parents, teachers really speak with their children? how many explain why they shall do sth not only in term of culture etc, but also for example skiing - that the results will be this and that and this will make ur life easier etc? It was also funn to discover wireless in our place- so close to the skiing area - better tan in Austria:P but also seeing that I go internal wifi card, Ola external and my uncle was using blueconnet - heh generations:). I also had tme for saune and this is a mast have for my house without any doubts!


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