Sibulka's life
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
shitty organization?
Hey people
I'm really happy and proud to be in AIESEC probably that's why I decided to stay in organization and shape it but...
since some time it happens to me that Im not able to say proudly I'm an AIESECer, but I'm ashamed of our behaviour:(
Unfortuantelly its also happening right here and right now on IC.
Seeing so much rubbish around me after each session and party, seeing so many half empty bottels of water I'm asking myself - are these future global leaders?
Today during brand XP session we got this feedback from company representative- ppl u dont show ur values and ur brand.
And refer to the rubbish in the 2nd plenary- what was the impact on us?
What was the leadership activated during the session?
We left plenary with even more rubbish:(]
I know I was also not the cgane I want to see in the world, but seeing 600 best people of the world Im sometimes smashed with what we are doing here:(
Friday, August 24, 2007
random thoughts
just random:
two showers a day what a waste of water yes?
body as way of paying and buying ok or not really nice way of trading?
Thursday, August 23, 2007
When i come back or find more time will share all I owe, now its time to make small update only
Day before yesterday was so called day zero. Without any sessions but with Opening Plenary – some roll calls were really amazing!, Global Village – this year organized in the different ways- countries were having their stands not in alphabetical order but we were grouped in GNs. Due to hot weather Global Village took place inside so this was also something new for me. At the end of the day we went to the Official Opening. During the day not only had we opportunity to get to know other countries or meet new and old friends but also listen to few speeches – PAI, but also Turkish Alumni, AIESEC member during 60s who is now leading supervisory board of AIESEC in Turkey. In his speech he shared with us his perception of AIESEC and the need to look deeper into environmental issues of the current world. We came back home about 23 so it was a long day!
Yesterday was the first day with sessions- opportunity to get to know people and get into IC flow. Our facilitators do amazing job and make us passionate about everything happening here! Imagine 600 people knowing AIESEC Way, attending and running already some sessions on this topic but being extremely excited about discussing it! The main theme of conference is achievement and we as generation of achievement so of course we also clarify what does it mean for us – personally , for the organization.
From personal perspective- every night partying till around 4 so probably tonight I will skip it cause I will not be able to focus on sessions?
Lots of discussions with old friends giving another boost to think. Talks and drinking with some Polish people having this unique feeling of reunion and being amongst friends. Food- the same breakfast all the time Im wondering what will be the feeling when finally day after IC comes and I will eat sth else for breakfast;-). Meetings are getting into agenda making it full – E-Drive Team funny, challenging team with the aim to contribute to results of the whole Growth Network. Two working groups- Diversity and Knowledge Management plus country meetings makes agenda almost without free time, but for sure this sth that makes this conference so special and energy is coming to you out of nowhere:]!
So here it came- second day of the conference with new concept being continuity of what was happening before.
Two AI teams on the stage giving you lots of thoughts how it can be to manage organization from global perspective. Bringing more understanding regarding Global Focus Areas as well as time to think about value of our AIESEC XP and its relevance- yeap not quality but value and relevance. Amazing how similar is our perception- members of AIESEC, our feelings, thoughts and in the same time how rarely we discuss them, analyze the reasons and show passions and excitement as well as interest in world issues.
Additionally IC is obviously place of long discussion and exchange of opinions, getting to know reality of other countries and challenging obvious things and facts.
I can imaging that there are still so many days to come but on the other hand time is running as crazy and soon will be home. Doing my best to have positive impact and change and reshape world around me to make it better place.
Friday, August 17, 2007
What can I miss
besides things I will not miss about BG such as homeless dogs and mess there are things I already know I will miss sth :
- order is random;-)
sirenie- all in all its very salty but it makes some new, cool meals - e.g. pizza with it:-)
moving to pizza- the fact that every 100 meters u can eat pizza, not the best meal of the world, but just a good idea to grab one piece, especially during the nights
nights and parties- simply students life, coming back to pl is sth as end of my students life, also students life here- living in students town with its own pace of life, party every day, bars and shops open 24/7
yes- fantastiko- always open, having new food
yoghurt- ajran \;-)
living on the ground floor of the center of students town, sometimes not comfrotable sometimes amazing, u just go in ur slippers for shopping or simply have a walk cause 10 minutes from the center u have walking space:-)
not understanding ppl- what sometimes drives u crazy can also bring u happines;-)
u just dont care and live ur life cause at the end of the day ur just stupid foreigner
yeah so all stuff as economics, politics they worry u ok but not so much cause u dont identify so much with the growth of the cuntry all in all:-)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
and the weekend is over, on Friday I will be on the way to IC, my 1st, but not 1st IC.
My IC as a representative of MC, as representative of @ in bulgaria.
Preparing for a long time but still feeling not prepared, happy to meet old friends, meeting those I didnt speak to except for MSN, and making new friendship.
Hovewer, I'm also afraid of not being focused and self-aware as self-drive enough.
Hm my usual fears, bringing us to the usual topic of emotion.
Its just about or maybe already one week sine my mum left. I know the description of holiday mabe was not enough, hm so for those willing to read dull post what I was doing I will write tonigh.
But the most important are emotions. Yes Im so as my mum, also in terms of emotions. Reming myself of her face seeing so many homeless dogs, which is real nighmare here:/
Also reminding myself of homeless pure bitch on the seaside. Willing to die, not eating just looking at her puppies from distance:/
And us trying to feed, buying wate, sausages and other ppl just observing.
Funny conclusion- thats why she is not reach and I will never bee either:/
Crazy, stubborn cold bitch with too many emotions;-)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Yes, it was amazing weekend- spontaneous decision to host 2 CEEDers was a good idea.
Common visit in the cinema, finally saw a movie here;-) and its good idea cause all movies, not cartoons are with subtitles, so i can enjoy movie and improve my english:-).
Of course movie with Antony Hopkins has to be great and it was of course.
In the mean time nst meeting was also efficient.
Party with some crajzole- wojtas, rysiu, zuziak ended not so good to me--> definitelly my head become weaker, but the next day disco was amazing.
For few reasons- one:
Imagine disco when on the first floor u have manieczkie, on the second disco polo- and the disco polo is full:].
And all seats are booked even bar ones...- kept reserved the whole night.
I bough shoes which can be seen in another post, and amazing pictures taker Peter took some nice pics- when he uploads them on his blog I will put the link, this is our deal:-)
Im happy that I met Peter, since a long time i was not able to interact with somebody so smoothly, feeling so comfortable, and basically having so many ideas for talks and just having fun.
So at least benefit of the weekend another interesting person on my way, and to be honest... who knows maybe we will go in the trip around the world together since we both want to do this then why not yes?
PS Remember power of smile? its huge! When I said bye to CEEDers, I was reading a book and waiting for a bus in this crazy temporary bus stop due to road works, but I was reading a book, so when I noticed that all people moved I just though maybe I missed the bus, then some guy asked me sth i was not able to answer, asked another guy and disappeared, I started to feel sth is wrong, but had my book it was not late and then
and old lady that was not able to communicate in other language that Bulgarian took to me to a proper bus stop...
Ist cause she was nice, I looked so young or so nice or...?
Sb had a foot message that each good activity will be panished, hm I really much more believe in what my mum always repeats me- good things come back to people!
Friday, August 10, 2007
insect shock:/
Some friends have already started writing about cultural shock, other claim it will not happen to them, some already suffer it.
How about me?
I think I'm on the edge...:/
Holiday and IC are of much advantage and are needed but...
Its then hard to move back on track I think.
I wonder how it will be about IC. Nevertheless, today I felt terrible with two insects at my home. My overreaction and terrible mood are for sure insect;-) shock. So if I thought it will not happen to me for sure I was overestimating myself:(.
I just miss basically dunno what- Polish language on the streets?
Home without insects?
Or maybe this freedom of going out and nowing that ur at ur place.
Or maybe even home- not home in Warsaw- I dont have such, not home in Ilawa, but home that I could call mine?
PS while writing about economics of holiday I forgot about one thing--> Special promotion:
When buying 3 vibrators u get 4th for free:].
Wondering was it promotion for group of friends or maybe sun has bad influence on males:P;-)
... sorry its in Polish and according to me very subjective...
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Cultural whatsoever
Hm, I wonder why on any preparation seminar thereisnt any track for girls since of course we have more needs;-). Yes I think genders are equal but till some extent:P.
So the time has came-- average girl cuts hair every 2 months on average yes?
After considering some fancier place I ended up in Studentsky - mainly due to limitted budget:]
Unfortunatelly, it turned out that the woman didnt speak English. Though I didnt feel like looking for another place, so using word malko- meaning small, and making some gestues around my head I explained her that I wanted just to make my hair a little bit shorter and didnt expect any new hairstyle:]
Effect- not very impressin but can go with it:-)
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
traffic jams
or maybe bus schedules. Man the work roads are killing me, I'm travelling to the office much much longer- today coming back took me solving 12 sudokus:].
Not very easy ones, at least I'm not wasting the time.
BTW I noticed traffic topic got popular now on the blogs funny:D
my Polish
As I mentioned before previous week was full of it- Polish newspapers, talks in Polish with my mum, Polish books- among all favourite for relax Chmielewska and lots of Poles around.
Conculsions- yes we are specific nation, probably as all:-).
You can recognize us from the way we move and dress in most of cases. Strange ya?;-)
But even more the way we behave.
For a person with my approach to obvious and logic things I really cannot get why such things are happening in PL if so many people consider them as wrong:/ This complain but dont do culture is amazing:/
my mum
Yeap u right, my mum due to worse weather was wearing AIESEC jumper, she even took it home- since its a little bit too big for me.
So person who thinks that AIESEC is really far from the ideal organization and perfect place for her daughter will be walking around in AIESEC jumper- of course quoting her: only to the garden etc:-)
bye bye
SO it happened. Just about hour ago I said bye to my mum, she is now flying above some countries going home.
And I'm staying here - in hm my home?
Still dont feel here at home and probably I will not- not because of the country but AIESECer life style.
Student lifestyle. I think Im growing up;-) I want to have my home, just a safe place that I can design.
Still dunno where I will live so this home can be even in Ilawa- just small house close to the lake- that you can come back whenever u need- yeap in time of flights its not so hard :-).
So now my Polish will be virtual and books- I read already all newspapers brought by my mum- my mixed feeling about poland, current direction are just another story.
I will not do any shopping, hard discussion or anything till 20 of dec. Its a strange feeling somehow.
Yes this is true u easily get used to nice things.
Although hard time with my mum was nice. Was lazy and comfortable.
It gave me lots of thoughts, started some changes.
Dunno why Im not able to explain everything here- probably cause some are just pure feelings, emotions that are not so clear on paper or screen:/
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
So after pics, time for stories:
1) lessons of economics:
- supermarkets- prices can differ a lot. Juice can be 4 lev- 2EUR and 100 metter further 1,5 EUR:-)
umbrellas- beach ones 16 lev (8EUR) to 4 EUR :D
Every hotel has swimming pool- probably cause beaches are paid- not literally, but there is almost no free space, just deckchairs and umbrellas, so u cannot lay your towel etc.
Cost of umbrella or deckchair 3 eur a day per each.
Food twice as much expensive as in Burgas, but ticket prices the same and system also:-)
Visible signs that people think they can earn on properities in BG- lots of middleman, lots of blocks of apartments, waiters, beach ppl etc speaking english:-).
International products in shops.
Maybe even too Polish- lots of Polish people, Polish language on the beach, in pubs etc.
Every restaurant has a person or more people walking in front of it and inviting you to come in- good lesson of selling techinques and skills:D
And finally- buy one get 2nd free- how do u imagine such promotion?
Cause here with this one sentence you can:
buy one dring and get 2nd one for free- no matter for you or you sharing the free one with another person.
Making and order for two drinks and you do not apy for the cheaper one.
Or finally getting the same drink for free- but only out of some selected drinks, and ur not informed which ones are these:]
Some additional info:
people form very nice, amazing firnedly people, trying to help foregners with everything, to shopkeepers trying to cheat on u, and very irritating, beeping on u taxi drivers:/.
Monday, August 06, 2007
:-) (-:
amazing week
Why so many pictures?
Cause they bring nice memories and ...
although by blogging u revealing urself i do not feel like using picassa dunno why- either u come here on time, read my thoughts and see the picture or use archive.
Some ppl do not like blogging, I do not like photo web albums- so we have pics here
holiday- now pics only
last but not least my beautiful face:]
importance of life
just back from holiday
wanted to share my stories, but...
Reflection on the uniqueness but also fragility of life gave me one more thought so obvious but in my age a little bit neglected.
Although I'm 23 I cannot say for sure that I will live for 80 years more, and all my freinds, my family will be with me for long.
Its not about stating here sth pessimistic, or sth obvious.
It's just one more thought to my holiday reflection- value every day!!!
And appreciate the life cause it's the only one!
after holiday
So my 7 days off, 7 days of freedom are over:(
I'm back with head full of emotions, full of thoughts and feelings.
Comeback to Sofia started strange- with colder days, some roadworks and changes in traffic as well as rain!
But hopefully weather will improve I will do some sightseeing today and tomorrow and my free days will finish with saying bye to my mum on Wed while waving at the airport:/
Pictures and relations will come today and tomorrow:-)