Sibulka's life
Thursday, March 19, 2009
HK surprises
1) there are poor people here- namely the beggers its so shocking cause tis Asia, cause they are on the fancy streets - shopping paradises
2) food - everything starts with your mind - as long as you don't think what you eat its good. In fact it was the same in India I luv food I love experimenting but I cannot think too much of what I have eaten.
So of course seafood and chinese food - chopstick is so much fun especially when hunting for pineapple :)
So so far got jelly from turtle shell
some crazy drinks of things i dont know
traditional chinese breakfast a lot of meat- yeah i eat meat no choice about it and...
sushi and seafood delicious!
3) Small - small flats in high building amazingly high ! wondering how people where to build them years ago - this means Asian people are indeed smarter and more advanced than the others?
4) Different peole different HK - Victor and Sandy - traditional and polite versus agressive funny to see that everything is changing even Asia ;-)
5) smell people, food Asia is so intense - India was the same!
6) I know I love Asia, I love travelling I also love independence, discovering new things
Hong Kong is simply beautiful
and in my case it turned out that person from HK can visit you in Poland and go even to your home town with you.
And person from Poland can go to HK because she really wants it - this is real impossible is nothing missed it latelly - i think that latelly i gave up dreaming.
Coming back to blogging - yeah!
I have bad memory and dont care about events and things most people think are amazing - blog is good option to look into the past
Im confused in life in paths to take, in size of learning of my last year, progress made, achievements accomplished
Im not sure my life is what I want it to be.
I think I still need to work on my communication and English
I dont have time to update each of my friends separatelly and I feel disconnected from some of them!
I hope my life is more exciting that it seems to be!