u know what happened before the conference, so before I write what happened after I shall write sth about the conference?!
I already wrote some texts about people there- but rather known ones, and how about the conference itsefl.
1st- I do learnt a lot and I dont write it cause its official blog :P I write it cause its truth- I refreshed some knowledge about organization, organizational and people behaviours as well as gain new ones.
I got a lot of inspiration and new ideas for my year. And I realized a lot maybe it can be cold maturity and I can be so bold? Or mabe just open mind?
Of course I was Polish so critizing the content and knowledge delivered- but isnt it a pattern or approach?
I met so many amazing people, AI was there and other smart :P people were there and its obvious u cannot deliver session to satisfy people in terms of content not at this level why?
Cause people differ a lot about theoretical knowledge
Cause people at this level dont need so much the theoretical knowledge but ability to be active learner- to seek and find info u need, people from who u can learn to analyze the info u get and use the appropriate one.
Cause ok Im current I was on MC, but I was not working on X, on the other hand I have MCe who were lcvp before - the gap is huge in terms of functional knowledge and perspective- so if u want to deliver knowledge u cannot do that but u can create learning environment for the people and thats all about.
But I also realized that the organizaiton of future of supposed to be current global leaders is passive and risk averse. :(
I dont want to become not myself and will not write thank u to all beautiful people or sth like that still I experienced a lot of inspirational moments and chats, learning points and conclusions Im happy that I was part of the conference and I really believe I can learn and achieve a lot in my future role. Still questions about slow track are in my head, the question about follow up and feeling im facing the wall stays but also there is no question about the role of XPRO and its usage it was amazing event and if u dont know how to use it or if ur back home deep in memories without follow up its ur fault man and u better think about ursefl rather than others...
Cause u had 170 people
common challenges
and u still miss sth to be successful?
what ?
nobody can give u receipt how to do this so stop waiting and expecting go and ACT!