My adventure with Russia - all in all a lot of fun and refelctions. From the very beginning when landing in Moscow and realizing that hm it is not as easy as Im used- passport is not enough- some registartion card needs to be filled and ur second category citizen ?! Airport far away rfom the town - now direct connection with the city u need to change subway and bus, taxi - prices higher than in wester Europe so welcome to the wild wild east?!
I was picked up by Masha which made my life easier cause alone I would have felt a little bit lost. Discovering elektryczka, people selling all and nothing in it, shops with cheap and hig prices, seafood and random things, LC Moscow - only one in such big town thx to the person I know... hm so what is growth about?! Asian looking people in the LC although never before have I seen Asian looking person as representatives of LCEB or MC. Impressive venue, russian language all around me, old faces, new faces, being tired, realizing Im Polish when answering Masha's questions in Polish- yeah im Polish i have my own coountry and origin ;-). Waking up travelling with new people who decided to be as nice and stay with me to walk around the town, meeting Alina - realizing the power of network, the meaning of being AIESEC'er, friendship of Masha who can bring my luggage from the venue so I can sightseeing, eating in Mc Donalds 2nd day in a row - where are my bliny;(. Reflecting on the fact that people I know grew up and Im still in AIESEC, without money but with friends?!without love but with passion. Without balance but with adventures.
Summary- everything is huge and there is a lot of monuments :]- everywhere
Typical Russia- didnt manage to take picture in elektryczka or in subway with all those guard etc but this is it- a building - fancy one just in the red square and...nobody knows what is there, u cannot go in but for sure sth is there cause the light is on... :]
Red square, its good to consider red only as a colour isnt it? Somehow I felt like Asian tourist taking picture without any deeper refelction, or having reflection about my future, about reluctance to have home, about willingness to have life as neverchanging @internship to discover more more and more on the other hand realizing how few places I usually see when Im abroad with AIESEC, how few facts I discover about this specific culture but on the other hand how many people from all the cultures I know and can speak with them can taste the world with their eyes and their understanding isnt it amazing?!
Funny - some time agao long queues and lots of people willing to see this dead guy, speciall corridors connecting the grave with subway etc, now- abandoned and negletced picture more for fun... or maybe for question about leadership, needed power to make a change?! or maybe about being mad?!
This is wow for sure, from outside and inside BEAUTIFUL- although I try not to abuse this word;-).
Nothing to add- Moscow, amazing feelng of standing in front of the symbol known from TV, in a country so far but so close... Feeling freezing but also somehow at home, being extremelly happy and impressed, discovering Russia- if you have problems with learning foreing language- either u will decide u dont like country so much and u dont need the language or u will fall in love- Russia I want to meet u again :-)