I love ya people!
I love ya peole, thx for being with me and for me
Your number is impressive
I love ya people!
So this is Xmas time for reflection, time around new year for new plans and summing up somehow I wonder is it a place to go so deep in yourself here?
My friends usully make jokes about that always flying on hangover
Measured by the number of applicants – is the big number ok meaning your term was successful, that your term was leadership and you inspired people, or that tey are pissed off and want to repair what you destroyed or its not connected at all? How about quality, your contact with these people will but also knowledge to ensure continuity? How to assess this? Is there any formula? What to think about that?
So the conference happened with the selection on Monday afterwards- a lot of efforts put in it , meaning 1st conference without any party, amazing chair, inspiring helpful, teaching a lot, craaaaaazy wow? Are chair of WEC supposed to be special by default? Most probably :D so at least positive about the conference. It’s outcome – strange a lot about strategy, long term plan so the results we will see later on, not now. Still some things are to be finished. Election/ selection a hard time a lot of thoughts asing about circle of incluence, continuity, being honest and diplomatic, emotions versus professionalism etc etc. a Lot of thought ot lieave the country a lot of feelings.
In December All students in BG have their Holiday, Since Im a students and I was in BG I thought it can be also good time for me to make some celebration. After some challenges and adventures of Blago ;) we ended up Rafa, Ivo and me – it was amazing time – discussing in the train AIESEC – 2 crazy MC members and intern with almost any induction – lots of hard thoughts. It can be also called amazing reception activity for Rafa – it was his 2nd country to visit- BG is first, 1st time to go with train, 1st time to make snowangel, 1st time to sleep in a hostel :D and few more. In the morning Mali picked us up and we stayed in the one of two MC flat- somehow different- one team, once office, two flats. On the other hand – amazingly friendly relations with neighbours, hope Poland can shape such as well! During the day we were sightseeing and this is how our forbidden things started- I didn’t take Euro as well Rafa cayse we thought we will be able to exchange BG money – unfortunately not, we also were not able to go into people’s house as well as find pub to sit so for a while we sat on the benches in the park in front of ice skating ring, drank some of the beer and left, This was also a day of dll for mc bg applicants. I was also fighting to submit my half term paper, but since only my laptop got connected to the internet I was just downloading applications. Reading them – surprise and disappointment, mixed feeling, but it was free day so we packed and went to brasov to see bran – with Dracula castle and do sightseeing, we had only money of ivo, it turned out we don’t have host in bran so we were walking around in search for hostel or anyother place to sleep since the one recommended by @cers was much too expensive, afterwards we counted amount of money spent per person and it was not so bad, so we went out, bran by night was amazing – Xmas atmosphere, warm wine, pocorn, sighseeing on slippery roads, beer and- finding out we don’t have ivo’s card anymore- just money for ticket to Bucharest..
And so this is Xmas- blog was dead for a while a long one, a lot happened since that time I made a fool of myself and behaved as an idiot, I discovered power and feelings I was not even aware I have in myself. I was making decision about the future, having ups and downs and now I sit on the airport- writing very fast with my new letter system – since a month or sth my laptop doesn’t work properly- m,j,u7 are out of order, listening to this Song Happy Xmas and think, waiting for the plane to Poland with application to polish MC almost ready and…
24 things we were not allowed to do in RoMania!
First of all we went to the open concert- yes open concert in december, it was cold but Steli took care of us together with HP some rakija with honey and we managed eventhough it started to rain and for half an hour we were waiting for her... Rihana (pictures and moveis in the upper post)
Ok I'm Shmatka - not wiritng for so long, basically for no reason if only any - bad time management and maybe too many things to control, too many things to analyze, too many wierd things around me, but ok. So ACT was one month ago already. No point coming back to it. Amazing eXperience, mixture of personal learning, developing of others, challanging urself, feeling responsible and stressed. Good memories, sth to I will for sure keep in mind & will be reminding me what @ conference is about. Later on throughout almost whole week I had some people at my place and was clearning, recovering, designing my desired destination - Tanzania at that point fo time, catching up with school. Enjoying the weekend and fighitng for PC skills weekend to happen.
I'm The Rising Bourgeoisie
You are "the Party Animal"!
last day with internet at home- cleaning, packign...yes ;( will leave bg in 18 days;( dont want to:/
still I dunno what to write, how to start, feeling strange.