Sunday, November 12, 2006

Reception Weekend

the rest of the weekend was mainly focusing on RW preparation and collecitng after recrutment naterials, coaching etc
I love my LTT its great to have this team really and party for Joe eh its good to have free time
Still I have problems- too many things to be done in one time but;-)
I managed with party, we cleanded up the office- finally:]
still waiting to clean our flat eh ;-)
and I met with Maria!!! AIESEC world is really small:]
actually I know 2 internationals from ZIMKO newie track pity wont meet with them:/
now Maria hehe really frienships all around the world!!!
PM and vote of trust for CC- quiet interestin to see this but not in longer perspective;-)
sometimes this organization surprises me although i think its impossible;-)
meeting with agus
rw opening and crazy day - no noc reklamozercow
but party with rw was great
Ivent had such a good time for ages:D:D
ok more when pictures arrive

great time:P

actually now update of the last week and then i will try to find time and finally write abut recruitment and lcc
so the rest of free time was lazy ilawa time;-)
with family and tv set hehe;-)
I need to satrt watching news cause I got a little bit to in AIESEC world not in real world cause sometimes these two wrolds are completely parallel.
I tried to study of course this is sth I have problems with;-)
my inner motivation is a failure in this case
when I arrived in WarsawI felt im back home I really feel better there now:/
Week- crazy 4 meeting in one time e.g.;-)
language exams hm no comments we will see of course worse than I expected:( but I think I got to know how to make up for this and survive in SGH sometimes I do not expect anythig more from majurity of classes- they are simply borring and theoretical.
nevertheless some are great and im happy i find time to go to school;-)
I also took language exam so i can choose more possibilities after this term
still im not sure what to choose but its great to have more opportunities to choose from:-)
We also had great time in Dominium althought 4 of sgh memebers were loosers;-) hehe with Radzio Czarny and Klimeczek you can not be sad or bored:] great to have u even when u need to face failures!
actually this year teaches me how to face them before that ok I faced them when training sailings but majority of things and activites where winnings for me.
I was totally unable to face failure and instead of leanring from them i stayed in beeing dissapointed
now I' ve learne a lot from those I face and actually maybe I'm not happy about them but I know I needed them and hope I will be able to put in practice things I've learnt from them!!!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

free time

almost whole week amazing;-)
but I know one thing when I have 2much free time
I actually lose it
neverthelees I spent some time in 3 city with my family
I havent been there for ages
Its amazing firstly it was place of my childhood
then sailing- a little starnge cause I didnt live with my colleagues but family
fear for wind waves
stress connected with winning and loosing
and then feeling 1st love and my place on earht going for weekend to aquapark, beach party sauna cinema and whatever crossed my mind
my 3city I were not simple able to imagin I will spend my life somewhere else
but actually I can
this is not my place any more
its so in the middle
faster than Ilawa
but slower than Warsaw
wit sea but I prefer lake
its funny how you can believe in sth so strong and then just wake up;-)and see u were fool:-)
ok but coming back 2 the topis
im really notebook internet addicted;-)
I used it even in the train:]
I wonder how life looked like without it and I simply do not remeber;-):P
Ok but a little bit more serious I think about past and try to create my action plan for future
I ran this pgs on LCC make others plan and what about myself?
I also plan sth but still I'm not sure about time after my term
I broke some of my strong believs and paradigms but still have some more
And thiking about future time for personal planning not only career
I've always wanted to do sth connected with children
but sometimes Im scared will I manage
when I watch or read news:/
What is then the real impact we have on society
I sometimes wonder if we create better world
and if so isnt this world only for those already in better situations?
clever, attractive students?
eh lots of thoughts crossing my mind
and lack of solutions:(
but to chagne the world u need to start with urself dont u?
so lets start rocking
believe & achievie- impossible is nothing!!!

Friday, November 03, 2006

useful links!!!

it wont be link to newest translator or wikipedia
these will be links u can see on my blog
how much food do you throw away monthly?
how much money do u spend totally thoughtless?
I bet still too much
just click in the stomach of puppet
one click more daily
u wont see the difference
just another one to millions of ur clicks but one child will see this difference
he or she will get meal for this!!!
I do not know how it works in your country but I know that in Poland still lots of people are afraid of giving their organ or organ of their family for transplantation after their death
Do u really need ur kidney. liver or heart after your death?
I do not think so and I'm happy that some more people share this point of view
Thx to them my dad got new heart and is still alive...
Do u think u can help suffering people and their families...

In the internet u will probably find much more of "useful links"
maybe WOSP maybe GOPR maybe other foundations

it will sound so superficially maybe but...
Is this world a place u live or a place u shape?

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Hej,tyle ostatnimi czasy sie pisze na pilwie podziekowan za LCC i cale Induction, wiec pomyslalam,ze warto dorzucic cos z perspektywy scislego, bo to my bedziemy przez najblizszy rok wspolpracowac ze swiezynami, ktore wlasnie zostaly zrekrutowane.Nie ukrywam,ze wszyscy mielismy mnostwo obaw,co do sposobu i calego procesu rekrutacji.Marudzilismy Cebuli strasznie, wytykalismy kazdy najmniejszy szczegol, ktory naszym zdaniem byl zrobiony nie tak, nie rozumielismy, pytalismy, zarzucalismy stertami: "ALE"...No wlasnie...ALE..Cebulko, teraz, juz po wszystkim widze/widzimy,ze byl sens, ze to wszystko sklada sie naprawde w logiczna calosc.Kiedy po raz pierwszy spotkalismy sie ze swiezakami na LCC bylo widac,ze bylo warto.Mysle,ze kazdy OCP, z kazdego projektu moze powiedziec,ze ludzie, ktorzy sa u niego w projekcie,to naprawde "top talenty", ktore nie znalazly sie w AIESEC,bo chca "robic cos" na uczelni albo "nawiazac kontakty z firmami".Sa ta ludzie, ktorzy widza w tym cos wiecej i wierzcie mi albo nie, ale kiedy po jednej z imprez, o 5 nad ranem, rozmawialam ze swoja swiezynka, to nie pytala- kiedy bedzie mogla pojsc na spotkanie do firmy, ale czy moge powiedziec jej cos wiecej o weekendzie recepcji, bo chcialaby sie w to zaangazowac. (tak,tak, to byla swiezynka lymowa!!)Za to i za mnostwo takich "AHA MOMENTS" ktore jeszcze przed nami dziekuje juz teraz Cebulce, LTT i calemu OC Induction.Naprawde- kawal dobrej roboty:)
Sorry for Polish
my top talent:-)
for such moments u know it was worth
hope after this year they will repeat these words!!!

free time

of course its hard to get my ass and write update
so maybe usual for me- upside down
time after lcc:-)
I slpet 12 hours woke up sth around 9 on monday
go to school with my stuff to home cause on monday i went home:-).
I survived the day:] and in the evening went out with LTT
I love this team, now I'm sure I need them and would not survive without them mentally:]
meeting was short cause I had one more meeting- with Czarny and Morswin
Zgrupowanie Zmija boys;-) evening and night was great! I do not remember last time I ' ve had so much fun! Cannot wait to Galeria Day!!!
of course on tuesday I was dead tired- sth like 3 hours of sleep so after USB;-) btw Im ok at least after this diagnose;-) I spent time trying to sleep and filling in application for NPS- we will see how it will work but this is year of running for my dreams;-)!
Evening family supper great to see my cousine and uncle and of course grandparents but I was a litle bit ill- hm it is so normal for me after conferences:/ that I dediced to go home.
1.11 I didnt feel atmosphere of this day
however in 2006 so many amazing people died:( maybe because of weather
maybe because of sth but still this was different day
but not 1.11 as i thought it will be
i met high school friend- and it was hard to chat
not because he is not from aiesec or maybe because
one thing about aiesecers- they have passion and aim
they have vision and dream
at least majority of us
and it is not aim to have money to have work
it is sth deeper! to change the world
hehe and sth more
its terrible when people avoid ur look... so childisch
eveing spent on chatting and @ work yes it was supposed to be my non @ time but...
I like this and I live this;-) but still the difference is I do not do so much of it and I do not do everything:]
Thursday woke up and it was white!!! snow wow;-)
and I went to 3city to my family
now Im going out will write rest in the evening