week after AutCo craaaazy!!!
work in LC
first days of school
PWC training- hm?
LCC planning with LTT and EB
now we have exact division of people responsible for session
place- finally!
lots of ideas wow:-)
but still lots ahead- like everyday was meeting!
monday- ebm
evening with Klisiewka on application and selection process thx man!!! u rock;-)
btw- sunday night with unexpected visit of girls from Koszalin
but it was nice to host u!!!
first Reveiw boards
then meeting with OCPs about @ day and recruitment
then my dad and beate stayed with us
so long chat about AIESEC life, autco, future plans
wed- PWC then paying for old flat and meeting with old flatmates, Equi!!!shopping in Makro with Ola
Thur- rest of reviewboards, meeting with Kamila girl didnt see u for ages
fight against my laptot so I maybe will have internet
feedback session with LTT
Qspits birthday
staying for night at Czarny's place but too tired for wark just fall asleep
Friday- Silva wow- hope will find time for wrap up of this course!
then General Assembly till 23.30
lots of questions but by Alumnis
one hour waiting for quorum:(
lack of OCPs and OCs
and paaarty
more and more ill but still stay longer
MC at the party:-) short chats with Marysia Klimeczke Adams- eh it was really useful for meee!!!!
then weekend- I deserve it didnt I;-)
of course Silva - the whole weekend was for it
evening meeting was canceleed so I use this time for work:
EnterCEE preparation
cleaning up the room
recruitment and induction preparation- questionnaires, appliactions, flow
Sundy- plannying meeting of LCC with EB and LTT
and then monday morning- EnterCEE
isnt this time crazy?
and of course I didnt mention all smaller things e.i. what the work on recruitment and induction consist of
what happened on course either... but it was amazing- e.i. levitate!
and books yes time for reading books!!!
and getting better- right now im not so ill yeah!!!
and have my laptop with all programms ready for internet instalation hope it will work!
and after selection of newies for DK and PEACE
and with ready appliaction:-)
ok AIESEC all the time but thats true im not sure have i private life?
or the fact that Koszalin memeber's will be at our LCC and that I will go on theirs maybe treates as private achievement;-)