almost two weeks without writing here anything and pictures do not rememebr when was the last time
YC! over- I wont come back on blog now to it
but still it was such a huge event and inspiration that I'm quite sure I will write sth about it with the wind of time;-)
Adapciak- ok lots of info I should mention here
- LTT totally crazy relations unforgetable lesson about life
about me
and how others percieve me
new people and deleates live;-)
first session and feedback to them
with delegates
with team
and then evaluation from delegates
I almost cried
I it was wow much more over my expectations
so enthusiastic about our organization
happy about its internationallity really understood in proper way
cause we had int oc and int AIESECers at the camp
delegates were enthusiastic about dream session even though it was so hm for me too much
they really liked it wow
eh I learnt so much during this time
lots of mistakes but at least opportunity to develop my copmetency- maybe 4th level;-) i learn from mistakes
and cannot imagine life without Adapciak eh so many thougts need to write them down
need to go back to my take over :-)