Saturday, April 07, 2007


small reflection
money & travelling
I counted how much I spent on travels during my AIESEC career and hm its a big amount of money:/
Actually there was a post on whether u consider aiesec expensive
so my aiesec trips:
everything started with DeCNatCo last year - actually the fact that I was working made me consider this
so it was 900 PLN for flight and around 200 for the expenses (1EUR=4PLN)
and after that I quitted job I stayed in AIESEC went for EB and now decided to stay longer!
its crazy?
its naive?
dunno but I appreciate it so much and hope it will be my decision when I will leave, when I will be ready, not my external environment will decide
and coming back to travels
CEED in Maceodonia around 2000PLN
EnterCEE around 500PLN
DecNatCo around 1100
EXPRO around 1100
ITC - around 1000
PlanCo around 900 and its only for travelling and accommodation, living so no fees included
a loooot
was it always worth it?
I do not have doubts
actually what is money?
what decides about values if not the experience we live thanx to them?


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