do not go 2 bulgaria i will miss u!
I didnt expect such words.
I got used to missing people
I am not used to the fact that sb misses me!
I didnt realize that I can be so important in sb's life!
I have just also realized that I will also miss some people!
Some old friends- Pysia & Laska somehow I got used to missing them
Krasnal somehow too. Morswin- hm probably we will see ur more often when I move out than right now:/
Czarny... what can I say dropping in wont be so easy and we have to do some galeria days just in case;-)
But there are new ppl in my life
ppl of 2006 I got so used to them, to the fact that they simply are ...
It will be challenging to live without them...
Betty - one of the biggest surprise of the year... amazing how u understand me, sometimes I ahve the feeling u know me better than me myself
Dominique hm ups and downsa but all in all cannot name this but there is sth in ur system of..;-) that makes my life rocking
Radzio - actually I do not remember days when I didnt know u! hope for phone calls in the middle of the night
Zuziak- get to know before leaving thats the aim
Ola - it wil be hard to find better flatmate im afraid
Klimeczek - probably the best antecessor;-) of the world;-)
grhhhh it doesnt make much sense listing this
but I hope in one year time the list wont be shorter and through the year I will be able to give u the time and the hm percentage of me?:/ u deserve!
but you will have me here in BG:)))))
at least let's keep fingers crossed during transition time :)
I'll miss you somehow too ;) No i ten soczek...;) Obczailas juz jakies tanie dojazdy? Przeslij jakis kalendarz odwiedzin :)
Well.. I was trying to remind how were the days when I didin't know U, when ur name was not at my gg list.. It's hard. Very hard. It's so good to have you here.. And it won't be easy to get used to your being there.. But if one can make a New Year's resolution 2 weeks after New Year's Day, mine is: To visit Sibulka in Bulgaria. With 'Top priority' clause :) Super yes :*
super radzio yes!
super tak :-)
Super Radoszek a może pojedziemy an Sylwestra za rok do Sibulki! Akurat zahaczymy o sanatorium w Złotych Piaskach. Super, tak? Sibulka możemy wpaść w odwiedziny?
a propos tęsknienia - nie martw się kochanie :-) najważniejsi dla Ciebie zawsze zostaną
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