Wednesday, December 06, 2006

crazy stories from my life...

Eh maybe ur right maybe im crazy, hm ut for sure my life is full of funny moments;-) most recent ones: going back home with bus501, after this experience I think women are worse drivers. Ok slow and gustily that is typical for all fresh drivers but this woman didnt know on which but to stop and asked people!!! no comments:] then on Wednesday I lost my phone. I thought I left it home but I lost it runinng to catch the bus. After one day of getting use to it was even pleasant no to bi called and disturbed all the time. I was calling but noone was answering but the singal was not busy so noone used it... Then taxi driver picked up the phone when Klimeczek called, but he did only once said number of his taxi, but then Ola appeared on taxi stop he was not there, and number he gave to Justynka was also not the good one so I was not able to identify it during visit in this taxi office:/ Finally I decided to block sim card, get new one and use my old phone:/. Lost all contacts but still;-) the today in 2 weeks time! after coming back from Bulgaria I saw black skoda taxi with this numebr actually one six less than the number Klimeczek gave me and I got my mobile back can u imagine this... maybe im lucky... stupid people are lucky but I am more for the sentence my mother always repeats good things are coming back to you!!! actually I got this mobile for the second time 1st was in mace I wrote about it on blog... so as a goood person I have my mobile back yeah... THANK YOU!!!


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