Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Managing By Values Process:
Key Principles
Phase l: Gaining Clarity
. "The problem with being in a rat race is that even if you
win the race, you're still a rat."
. "The most important thing in life is to decide what is
most important."
. "ln an organization that truly manages by its values, there is only one boss-the company's va[ues."
' "Managing
By Values is not just another program, it's a way of life."
Phase Il: Communicating Effectively
. "Genuine success does not come from proclaiming our
values but from consistently putting them into daily
. "Communicating happens naturally when you make the work environment safe."
. "Real change doesnt happen until it happens inside people. It's a change not in what people see but in what they see with."
. "The secret to making Managing By Values work is doing what we all believe and believing in what we do."
Phase lll: Aligning Practices
. "Being values-aligned does not occur without changes in our habits, practices, and attitudes."
' "lt's easy to spot commitment when you see it-and even easier when you dont."
. "Organizations dont make Managing By Values workpeople do."
. "When aligned around shared values and united in a common purpose, ordinary people accomplish extraordinary results and give their organization a competitive edge."


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