Monday, September 03, 2007

More thoughts

At closing plenary some people were missing. They were already home. Some of them close ot me, some I didn't manage to say good bye. But imagine the strange feeling when you read SMS from a person you saw just 10 hours ago, person you weere connected to, now being home, when you are at the closing plenary with 400 some people. Believe me strange feeling & eXperience.
Another one--> what happened with sharing is carrying motto?
Some people keep on bloggin luckily, but was more failure than success this year in terms of connecting people. Sharing on the sessions was no so present either & generally during IC we talked - yeah, but mainly on cooperation and subsystems. Of course I understand that its needed and its one of important parts of IC but why we spent so little time discussing cultures, countries, life?
Why future global leaders were cut out from the world for 2 weeks and majority of us didnt know what's happening around the world???:/


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